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Everything posted by jandrego

  1. thanks !! Jeroen, yes the wingtips lights are missing , still need to add them :D
  2. hi guys, here a FW 190 D9 that has been sitting on the shelf of doom from my friend JP for years. Since the building was almost done no pictures of that. I just did the painting job. Jan
  3. hi all The Tamiya Spitfire mk8 is finished now. I used MasterCasters wheels, Barracuda Studios detail sets and decals. As usual paints are Gunze and Tamiya + for the weathering Tamiya sets. Jan.
  4. Marcel , you are right , a balsa deck is mush better looking , might have a go at that Jan
  5. Got me a Japanese carrier deck design that could be printed and glued together. It is not a real as a balsa replica bur for my first groundwork it will do. Jan
  6. At last the Zero is finished, somehow it got stuck in the middle of the build. Wonderful kit Markings from the Midway period, so a bit dirty. Jan
  7. Last pictures here , as good as done !! Jan
  8. A few steps back to correct a stupid mistake I made One of the Hinomaro's on the upper wings was not in line So it had to be removed , basic paint applied again and redo the Hinomaro. And redo the weathering, al done with Tamiya weathering tools. Jan The wing side that was fine The corrected wing side The result of the correction
  9. Decided to do some extra weathering. Not finished yet. When that is done I need to add all to little parts to finish the Zero. Jan
  10. Decals on, next is fixing all the small pieces. Maybe some extra weathering in the panel lines, not sure about that yet. I might leave it this way. Jan
  11. Marking sprayed on. The nose is sprayed in aluminium first, next AK Worn Effects and then black with a drop of blue. Some parts have got a coat of clear varnish. To make it ready for some small decals. And then finishing of with a bit of weathering , these early Zero's are not that weathered as the late ones. Jan
  12. After a long time some progress on the Zero. Paint job started , some weathering already done with the airbrush. Jan
  13. :) thanks guys !!!! @ ajacad , the prop spinners are masked, first the overall black green was sprayed, masked and spraying the white and finished with the lighter green Jan
  14. Arno Started with the standard camo , so first the light blue underside, then the 2-tone hard edge green upper camo. Then the sand and the light blue to finish (masking for the 2 with Blu-Tack) Lot of work and even more masking tape :-) Jan
  15. Thanks guys !!!!! it's a beautiful kit , should be build a lot more. Jan
  16. Just finished the biggest kit I ever made Great value for it's money. Also used the AIMS decal sheet 32D010 those are very good, here the link : aimsmodels.co.uk/1-32/Decals/decals.html Jan
  17. Done out of the box , these Hasegawa kits are very nice if you want a build without troubles. Jan
  18. thanks guys Japanese navy seat belts from Radu ordered, with these the cockpit is done next almost sub-kit is the engine Jan
  19. After some short run kits I needed a kit that would fit better. So a Tamiya 1/32 kits was the natural choice for me, it's my first but certainly not the last The cockpit is almost done, it has stretched my painting skills and yes, next time I will use a different painting method for some small parts. Here some pictures, Jan
  20. he guys, A “what-if” build for the contest in December at the Belgian Scale Modellers Convention. I used the very nice Hasegawa Raiden (1/32) for this build, nice cockpit and very good fit. The Story is simple, after the was the “new” Belgian Air Force ordered Spitfire 14, but they would only arrive in 1947, so to fill the gap they received Raidens from Japan. Jan To see pictures of the build on Scale Aircraft Modelling : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?...7339994&type=3 Our show : https://www.facebook.com/events/212005185642098/
  21. he guys, my first ever jet in 1/32 scale it is different from the props I normally make the Tumpeter kit is quite nice and the colours for the Congo Br. air force are different from what you see most of the time Build out of the box , painted with Tamiya and Gunze (some colours are self mixed) Weathering with oil paints. Jan
  22. Calling it done. Wonderful kit, not easy but worth the effort !! Jan
  23. Weathering nearly done, don't want to overdo it. Jan
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