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16 Good
  1. Thank you! I tried several putties, but ended up using CA, which gave me smooth transitions on the cowling. I had that problem with the MGs you are mentioning. I'm pretty sure the starboard muzzle is fully inside the cowl. I will be more on top of that next time! Thank you!
  2. Finished up Hasegawa's 109F-4! I've always wanted to post a finished build to LSM, and here goes. Despite the stint on the shelf of doom, I really enjoyed this kit. Fit was and engineering was great and building it was a delight. The only annoyance was filling the bulge in the upper wheel bay as the F-4 didn't have the wing bulge for bigger tires. I added an early F resin seat with molded belts. While not super accurate, I really wanted some molded belts. One of the best parts of the kit was the gear leg fit. I am always worried I'll get the gear angle wrong. The fit of the F's gear legs was almost perfect straight away with only a slight adjustment to the left leg. I painted the kit with MM RLM79 and Mr. Color RLM 78. Future, vallejo, citadel, and Tamiya for the rest. Decals are eaglecals and performed solidly. This is my first 1/32nd build and I've enjoyed it a lot. Due to size, I don't think I'll build many, but I look forward to a few more. Thanks Jason Brewer for the sweet pics! Thanks
  3. wow... stunning Very inspiring, thank you!
  4. That was the cockpit, now comes the filling of those wheel bay inserts. I used the kit part but I sanded it down A LOT before I melted it in there. Then I just sanded and sanded and tried not to mare the details around. Final shot: (wash and final finished with be done later) Thanks!
  5. Thanks, I also want to play some more with post shading for some tonal variation in the 66. I hear what you're saying with the light colored wash for the floor. I wanted this interior to be a little more sharp and clear being a larger scale.
  6. Very nice, the mottling is really nice!
  7. Thanks Jerry, after these pictures I did add some wash around the seatbelts and areas of the floor for a little grimme and shadow. I don't have any more pics before I closed up the fuselage. It was only minor wash around details. Does it look like it needs more? Working in 32nd is different and would appreciate any suggestions and critique. I have several more 32nd builds with RLM 66 so I need to learn.
  8. Here it is, my first 32nd build. I'll be constructing Hasegawa's 109F-4 with extra decals and masks. I am also attempting some scratch building in the cockpit. The seat is the Quickboost early F 109 seat. I really like those molded belts. Here is the scheme I will be doing. Maybe not original, but fun. "Yellow 4" Here is my work on the cockpit: Thank you!
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