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  1. Today's update, Not good. I wasn't happy with the first two paint jobs on the turret and the mounting I had designed for the twin 50's was very light weight. I had stripped and repainted the turret parts 3 times. Well on final assembly last night the entire mounting system I had designed that was holding the turret drive motor etc. de-bonded itself and plastic just started coming apart, probably from the paint stripper softening the bonds and weakening the thin plastic. Anyway, I'm on Version 2.0 of the upper turret works, and should have things painted later today and yes, I'm building things with a bit more thickness and do not intend on striping the paint this time. The good news is that the sighting parts came apart as one piece and can be re-used. The rest of the turret lower structure is fine. All the best to anybody reading my post, the Mitchell's turret will be back soon! Paul
  2. Thank you Jeroen for the kind words about my build. Actually quite a bit of the added details will be easily seen, the cockpit has a bit of framing that will block some of it, but most of the neat stuff you'll see if you look closely. Lots of glass on a B-25. Now, the Bomb Bay Detail, Definitely one of those areas, I mean who am I going to trust to flip this giant model over and have a peek up in there? More updates soon, Paul
  3. Thanks Grant for the kind words about my B-25. I probably could have lived without some of the aftermarket stuff, but I've tried to spend on areas that would be the most view able, and at least scratch build the areas that will show, but may not be instantly seen. Definitely Add HK Models to your inventory, I think you would sell them if you can keep the prices comparable to the average online retail, just don't order 100 of them at once, you'd need more warehouse space and would have a considerable chunk of overhead tied up in them. All the best, Paul
  4. Awww Harv, I saw you joined up over there and had to come too! Very Nice to see you here and I look forward to your P-38M paint job! All the best, Paul
  5. Thank you for the kind words about my B-25. It's really not much more difficult ( and fits better) then the Monogram 1/48th Mitchells, it's just BIGGER , MUCH bigger As far as the turret details, being so small they don't really lend themselves to being cast, but I suppose when this build is done I could try to make things specifically for that purpose. I'll give it some thought. All the best, Paul
  6. Thanks Guy! I'm trying! More updates soon I hope, Paul
  7. Thank you for the kind words about my build Wayne! I am trying to get it right, sometimes that takes a while, sometimes I get the little light bulb to glow brightly over my head and a spurt of new detail shows up on the plane. More updates soon I hope, Paul
  8. Thank you Rick for the kind words about my build, I appreciate the encouragement! I do hope this B-25 comes out like I see it in my minds eye, I am driven to get it right, sometimes re doing areas 2-3 times, but it's coming along. More updates soon I hope, Paul
  9. Thank you Paul for the kind words about my build. I am enjoying the heck out of this one for sure. It does need to be taped up for check fitting a lot for two reasons, to make sure the modifications I am doing haven't screwed something up in the fit, and to keep me motivated and get a glimpse of the big picture while I do all this tedious but enjoyable detail stuff! Thanks for looking in on my build! Paul
  10. Thanks for the kind words about my build James! As far as the B-25 was concerned, it's always been a favorite if not my most favorite twin, very versatile plane and used buy quite a few Nations during and after WWII. I'd love to see somebody do an RAAF or Dutch Mitchell as they were heavily used during the war and very little has been said about their exploits or modeled in 1/32. I have one WnW kit in progress and I literally put it on hold to get this one going and while I intend to finish my albatross some day, this one will be done first. I'll wait for the early G model of the Fortress to be released then possibly build one. More updates soon, Paul
  11. Thanks Dave, This is one addicting model, so much room for so much detail! More soon, Paul
  12. Thanks again for the kind words and I'm glad you find my build entertaining. I know dollar for dollar and hour for hour this is one of the most "fun" builds I've done in the last 10 years. I highly recommend the kit, just do your research on the aftermarket, as not of all of it is worth the money or accurate. All the best, More updates soon, Paul
  13. Thank you Jamme! I am glad you like what I've done so far. All the best, Paul
  14. Thanks for the kind words Kojo, lots to do still but little steps lead to the top right? All the best, Paul
  15. Almost done, Wont be long now and I'll be painting this little thing ( the turret not the plane!) The bottom of the turret dome itself sticks up to far out of the fuselage, this will be corrected when i mount everything inside the plane for good.
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