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  1. Hi Jeroen I do not know if the Ju87 scrapyard is from the same builder as this Fw190 (build by a spanish guy). @ James Hi Not many aircraft at this show but here some pictures of not often seen models of WW1 vehicles all have been scratched build A trench digger (1/35 or 1/32 scale) and a trench crosser (1/35 or 1/32 scale) and another great WW1 theme example An Italian soldier with motorcycle (1917) 54mm @ Nick Hi This show is almost a home match for you. Did you attend it? One of the bulding errors is very obvious Look at the port side wing. This was cut of too short. He added a piece of scrap plastic and painted it black. This correction was not executed very well. Btw the figure was very well painted for an aircraft diorama. You do not see that often. It won Silver in his categorie and the "Charles Davis Memorial Trophy" . Best regards Huub
  2. Hi All I was last weekend at Euro Militaire in Folkestone UK. If you like figures and/or militairy vehicles you will find the best at this show. In average whay better than the figures and militairy vehicles at contests like IPMS SMW at Telford or the IPMS USA Nationals. But almost no aircaft at Euro Militaire except for this diorama: Way too dramatic, not very realistic and he made some silly building mistakes but i still liked it very much. Huub
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