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Everything posted by TOMc

  1. Thanks. The case came from Michaels craft store. They suggest using it to display an old football helmet.
  2. Well the Zero is finished and I purchased a new camera which means no construction pictures. This was a fun build with the skin and skinless idea working out just fine and I was able to fit both models into the same commercial display case. The TAMIYA Zero kit lends itself to a great level of detail with after market parts readily available, thus appealing to the compulsive and meticulous builder whom I greatly admire.
  3. The well dressed Zero is coming along just fine, the only problem is that the camera is broken. I am not sure, but it could have happened when it hit the floor. At least that is what Emily said, but I am not sure, like I said it could have, I am just saying, it could have.
  4. Thank you for the compliments. All I wanted to do was learn how to utilize aftermarket photoetch material like that sold by eduard and look what that led to. While the paint dries on the go-cart I have been studying the instructions for the TAMIYA ZERO FIGHTER. One of the high points of the instructions is the identification of parts. Otherwise how would I know that the little do-hickey-thing is an "Oil Cooling air intake shutter operating lever". Identification gives the part importance and therefore worth the effort to make it as real as my talent will allow.
  5. You could call this Zero Type 21 a Tin-knocker's dream and a venture into photoetch modeling that I will return to again and again. This kit as well as other "Desktop" models are available at Engineer Hobbies. The next phase of this project will be the construction of a "TAMIYA" Zero in 1/32 scale. So as not to offend those of you that are puritans this model will be fully clothed. For display, the case will have an upper and lower level, separated by clear acrylic so that both airplanes can be viewed at one time. There will be a short brake to build a go-kart model for my neighbor's son. see you soon.
  6. The aft section of the fuselage and control surfaces are complete. This is not a model for the faint of hart but if you follow the instruction sequence and read the fine print it will come out as intended.
  7. It took all day but another section has been finished. The Zero's integrity grows as the model comes together, you can feel the strength of its structure, this airplane was not created by ordinary men.
  8. More work on the main wings. Installed the ailerons, flaps and constructed the folding wing tips, although they are all designed to be moveable I will not attempt this with this model. The landing gear can be installed for landing or flight. This is a very exact construction design and a deviation of 1mm will cause a real problem. The instruction sheet pictured gives you an idea of what is to be twisted or bent as well as direction. Parts are labeled left and right but it is up to you to assemble the mirror image.
  9. Assembly work on the wing assembly has begun. I have toyed with the idea of using a resistance / solder in place of superglue to make the joints stronger and cleaner, but considering the number of re-dos involved in my build, this fantasy will not materialize for some time to come. So it will remain, less caffeine and more focus.
  10. Well maby the photo thing still needs a little work.
  11. Looks like I have the photo thing working again. I found that photoetch construction is a little unnerving at first but with a little less coffee and a little more patients the process moved along at a more enjoyable pace. First photo is of tools of the trade.
  12. Thanks Cees. Ever since Windows 10 decided to do a forced download things have been a little quirky. This is my first venture into intense photoetch modeling. The kit from VICTORY MODELS is a A6M2 Zero Type 21 airplane in 1/32 scale. The kit package comes with six large 8X12 stainless steel sheets of etched parts to build the wings and fuselage, and bags of clean, accurate, white metal parts for the engine and cockpit. The plan is to build two Zeros one with skin and one without. Lets see how the skinless version works out before I divulge the big plan.
  13. Photobucket Download: Choose photo and note pix number Click on Image Properties icon above and fill pix number in URL...OK Right click X box in post Paste
  14. Looks like I have got it. The final pix.
  15. Still no luck with Photobucket down load. Looks like it went south after a forced download of Windows 10.
  16. Isw anyone having a problem downloading from Photobucket ?
  17. Engine bay is finished. Purchased seatbelts from RB Productions and I will try to do a better job this time. The learning curve is forever bent.
  18. Most of the components are installed in the engine bay. I will finish it up after the landing gear are installed.
  19. Decided to add some wireing behind the gauge board as well as plywooed decal to the rudders. I threaded the plug wires through a harness as it was the only way to control the direction of the wires.
  20. I like the way you work the interior with grunge and shadow a hard thing to do with such a small subject. I follow your work with great interest.
  21. The engine block was made of light-weight aluminium. Most of the other components like the cam covers, supercharger housing, intake manifold and other parts were made of magnesium. Remember lightness is critical for a record-attempt airplane. I painted everything in shades of dirty silver/aluminium and wash. When installed much of the engine will be in shadow.
  22. A better perspective.
  23. I am going to attempt adding plug wires to the engines. The 1/24 plugs from RB Motion are correct but look small so I opted for the 1/16. Between tweezers and 400+ reading glasses this could get a little crazy.
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