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  1. Cool Photo! I just may give a 1/48 modern fighter a chance. Even my Meng 1/35 T-90 A is a lot smaller than I thought it would be now that I have it in my hands!
  2. Time and Models-She is a cruel mistress but I have enjoyed serving her for 40+ years! I'm 52 now and just as excited about modeling as I was when I was 8, LUCKY ME!!
  3. Thanks Rog and you can call me Craig as you've found me out, ha ha.. Alaska is just my nick name because I work up there on the North Slope/Prudoe Bay as a structural steel welder. My friends just call me that for short and a nickname, they just think I'm crazy to go welding on top of the world in -40 f. most of the time but I love adventure and the monies great too I won't lie!
  4. I was just wondering since the Trumpeter MI-24 Hind 1/35 scale is on my top 3 future builds has anyone out there built this themselves? And what are your opinions of this Trumpeter offering? I have been reading on Doogs wonderful blog and I see that he has this in his stash but can't find out if he has built it yet. Maybe I just haven't found it on his blog but I have been reading that blog for like 2 day's to no avail. But his blog is just fantastic as far as I'm concerned! By the way it was Doogs who originally gave me the heads up on this kit as being worth while to look into. Anyways if someone has some experience with this Hind I'd appreciate your input! Thanks Alaska
  5. Thank you for your post to my ?'s Artful69!! It is great to get other's opinions and ideas when your new to this genre! I have been doing just as you have suggested,reading reviews,scouring magazine articles,forums etc. I've come to the same conclusions as you mentioned above. My first build into armor/aircraft plastic/resin kits is going to be the Meng T-90A MBT of which I researched for month's into the the armor afv side of this genre. Meng is a fairly new company but it is making quite an impression on the modeling community out there and is receiving for the most part high praises. My T-90A showed up the other day and from what I can tell without even starting it it is quite a nice and beautifully molded kit! Think I'll start on the tracks today which are a small project in and of themselves! As you've mentioned Artful69 their are different qualities in different manufactures and their kits ie. old molds vs. new molds and one has to be educated in choosing a subject/kit/era/country of origin and forums like this one and others are of great help in steering someone new into the right direction/choices as there are an ocean full of kits available to modelers today unlike the few poor offerings available to me/us in my youth! How blessed are modelers today, I'd say vastly!! As it stands right now I believe I will be going with a 1/32 Tamiya Phantom II as my first foray into aircraft. Tamiya jets are expensive but from what I've gathered their quality/detail/fit is pretty much tops as far a 1/32 jets go.. I'm also going to take a shot at Trumpeters 1/35 MI-24 Hind Soviet Helicopter and see what I can do with that. I don't have as much faith in Trumpeter as I do Meng or Tamiya but in heli's there simply not much to choose from, I see that Revell,ROG offers some kits but my experience with Revell over the years has not been good. That being said I have not built anything from Revell for years but when I look at the difference in the costs of say a Tamiya 1/32 jet $120.00-$180.00 to Revell $ 30.00-$50.00 something has to give and thats almost always quality. Well again I appreciate everyones input and hope it continues!! Thanks Guy's Alaska
  6. True there is a lot available in helicopters in the 1/48 scale but my aging eye's just won't let me play with them, I wish there was as many available in 1/35 or 1/32 but I guess there is not much of a demand for these scales, bummer!
  7. Thanks Dave!
  8. Hello DoogsATX.. I was wondering what scale that Trumpeter Mi-24 Hind that you mentioned is? Is it 1/24/,1/32, or 1/35?
  9. Thanks.. Dave,Iceman & DoogsATX for your replies/opinions!! They are of great help.. I've been reading a ton of reviews on this site and learning tons! This is a great site and I'm very happy I found it! Thanks again.. Alaska
  10. Hi All! I'm new here but not new to modeling,I am new to 1/32 scale plastic aircraft modeling and have just begone investigating this genre. I was just wondering if anyone here could give me a heads up on what companies produce the best kits,i.e. Good instructions,detail,least amount of flash and mold seams,accuracy,etc. I'm also interested in building helicopters! My interests are in mostly modern Jets and attack helicopters although I do like WWII war planes like zero's,P51's,Spitfires,Messerschmitts and the like. I would appreciate any guidance in my new endeavors! Thank You! Craig Skinner
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