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Everything posted by avialogs

  1. The schedule is the following: - July: documentation published - August: Parts of the prototype published - First week of september : Kit must be completed. - September 15-20th : Go or no go (refund in this case). But if there are more than half preorders missing during the first week of september, It can be problematic to reach the number and respect the schedule. Decals are done by a third party and I will not order them the time I am not sure the kit will be sold 75 is not a "Hard limit" but I hope to have a good number of preorder . My projection was to reach 20-25 before the end of this week, 35 before end of july and 75 for September 15th.
  2. Mercury Engine 90% complete
  3. Undercarriage will be resin. With a short run like the one here, SLA is the material / process I have selected. If everything goes well, I plan to offer ski and floats versions. I will be off during 15 days but I plan to publish all details and documentation before end of July. I start to post documents on the FB page ( on the site later. I will post to this thread too. The Boly used as reference (Blenheim cockpit is based on photos/ magazine / pilot's notes, as throttles are on the left): . I will post update in this thread too.
  4. Hello, I am the founder of Avialogs & AviaReplica and I would like to clarify a few things: About the refund minus $7: You have two options: -To play fair : With the $60, there is an Avialogs subscription with a value of $14 you keep in any case. The $7 is to cover Paypal fees and some of my fees . One kit (the prototype) will be produced in any case. As I posted in another forum, subscriptions are here to fund production. Not conception. - To play not fair: You are covered by the 180 days Paypal buyer protection (180 days since April 15th.) and you can ask a full refund at any time The kit price for this first production run has been established practically at cost. Despite Avialogs exists since 5 years and is used by thousand, AviaReplica is new on the market and I have everything to prove in this domain. Critics, sceptics are welcome. About the vacform canopy, it's not definitive, the goal of the subscription delay is to collect suggestions and feedback too. Feel free to ask questions, Benoit
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