I hate to say this, but the Marseille Bf 109F-4 10137 has a couple of small errors. Understand it is a gorgeous model. I especially love how the "sit" is right. A lot of people get it to high or too low. The finish is terrific, even caught the staining on the fuel fill point under the cockpit.
But, 2 errors:
First, this F-4 did not have the rear fuselage reinforcing strips. That was only used early in the production of the F-4.
Second, the lower rear rudder edge had a patch of red primer just above the white tail light. This was evidentally a repair to the rudder and it varied ever so slighly from early to mid-June, 1942. The photo accompanying the "build" section and the profile shown, do show this repair. Also, photographically, the evolution of this repair patch is documented.