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  1. Once again, change of plans. Sorry to be so indecisive. I am back to the panther and plan on the one of Ernst Barkmann 424 in Normandy, "Barkmanns Corner". If anyone has any pictures of this particular tank they would be much appreciated. Cheers!
  2. Alternatively, if anyone has any pictures on a British M-10 achilles on D-Day, that is my other option for the build. Thanks
  3. Thanks for the help already, just wondering if a Panther Ausf G would make sense or if they 2nd only had Ausf A?
  4. Hello everyone. Once again, change of plans. Sorry to be so indecisive. I am back to the panther and plan on the one of Ernst Barkmann 424 in Normandy, "Barkmanns Corner". If anyone has any pictures of this particular tank they would be much appreciated. Cheers!
  5. Hello everybody. I'm sure we have all seen the news about HK Models 1/32 Do335. That has brought me massive pleasure knowing we will all finally have one in the proper scale. However there may be some progress on the horizon for me and my father. I myself may have a solid job that pays more than comfortably well. This means that we can finally start to make some progress with some newly achieved cash flow. Now we may not start with the most popular or the biggest thing, but we will keep you all on the in. Thanks again for the support. This project will, eventually, turn out some sort of product for all of you. Cheers!
  6. Hey everybody, quick update for all of you. We have hit a few roadblocks with the 3D printing and the fact that I have become recently unemployed so, we have decided to not go with a 100% 3D printed models. We do still want to put out some products but they will be the more classic resin casts and what not. We plan to still utilize 3D printing for making our masters and then creating our molds off of it. My father hopes to bring some large scale figures and I hope to eventually do a full aircraft kit but plan to start with accessories for aircraft. I hope this hasn't put too much of a downer on this subject for you guys. Thanks for the encouragement and help! Cheers! and hope to have good news for you all in the near future.
  7. Hello my fellow modellers. My name is Harrison and my father is Chris. We have both been heavily involved in modelling for many years now, even going back to my grandfather who built scale model, working steam trains and even a real Pitts Special in his house. My father and I have recently been thinking of getting into our own business and have thought why not get into the model making business? We plan to utilise 3D printing and scan the real, full scale aircraft and break it down into its individual pieces on the computer and print the sprus for all of you to enjoy. This is as of right now, in the very, very early stages and we have yet to even have any of the equipment or even a name and are just looking into the logistics, and the interest we could generate. We are hoping to be more in-depth with the modelling community by filling the needs of the many and the few. The plan is to be able to take suggestions from the modelling community and create. As fellow modellers, my father and I have found it difficult at times to find any kits of certain aircraft in certain scales. I hope to make LSP and its forums a place of research and influence to receive your suggestions and create some really great models..... ...if we could generate enough interest . I pose the question to all of you - what would you like to build? A 1/32 Do 335, an XP-55, a Westland Whirlwind? You name it and if enough people show interest your wish could be our command. I hope to have this become a reality and am looking forward to working with all of you! Cheers and best regards. Here is a link to this topic on Large Scale Planes: http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=45700
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