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Nat Wale Plaia

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  1. Did the best I can .Thank you , Jeroen !! not complete yet , dear Airfix you’re a British company and British Hellcat’s were often sporting British RP-3 rockets , like Tiffies or Mosquitoes! The subject in your superb kit makes no exception. Thanks to LSM to have underlined that with a superb photo !
  2. Hello everyone! with a warm greeting to all, here are some WIP's of my Hellcat. Hope you like it . only now do I begin to glimpse the end of this epic work, with the R-3 rockets and a rearview mirror
  3. Thank you !! I know , going to give another deep look or the real thing that was passed to me from the grandson of the pilot . This plane was aboard on the Graf Spee . Thank you so much for your kind words !
  4. The samurai sword ... and the most beautiful kit I've built in the last few years; there is not much to say, it is a masterpiece of modeling engineering even if it is inside its box. Here are some photos. colors used Tamiya and Vallejo Model Air. Strictly NO DECALS!
  5. Heartful thanks all for such kind comments. I am sincerely speechless for your warm welcome! THANK YOU !
  6. Thank you , Jeroen! I have to say acrylics has changed my modeling life and , yes , happy of being here ! !
  7. Only and purely some experience ,trust me . Thank you so much for your appreciation , my friend .
  8. Great kit , cheap and chic! one of the most beautiful I've ever built. Very good joints, even if the cockpit lacks the protective plates of light metal that surrounded the entire cockpit. I suggest the use of the beautiful Eduard sets. The model was painted entirely with Vallejo Air and weathering done with Tamiya powders. A peculiarity: although I am a fanatic of "lights and shadows" I have not used any washing. The panels are naturally highlighted because they show the base color, preceding at least a dozen of the lighter layers of the two basic greens. I must admit that the result surprised me too. An advice to all those who want to paint a plane with Vallejo Air is to give a matte finish with a transparent Tamiya, diluted with 95% alcohol. This simple trick cancels the slightly vinylic appearance of these colors.
  9. Happy of being here , bro Jeroen ! I can clearly see seriously passionate and polite old and new friends here. Absolutely Great! Thanks a million for your kind invitation, my friend !
  10. ...I do hope so , Rob . The difficult part is yet to come , i’m Afraid ...
  11. Thanks Rob! Certainly the Skyraider had a "lived" aspect. in the case of my work I must admit that I have accentuated this aspect, compared to what the few existing photos of 572 can show. one of the most complicated aspects of this work was ... the construction of the toilet. the Brengun kit, in fact, does not provide the fake bomb tail that the gunmen jokingly stared at the false bomb! a couple of photos given to me by my dear friend Roy Sutherland, have swept away my doubts about it; the toilet had a tail ... and it was red! LOL. the worn look of the headrest is the simple result of two dry brushing on two shades of brown / flesh, pointing the worn edges with the Vallejo Model Colors light flesh tone.
  12. I am to thank you for the invitation, for the warm welcome and for the wonderful comments!
  13. Surely not LOL. Thank you !!
  14. Thank you so much for your kind appreciation! I am here to learn as well . Happy to be here with you all !
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