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  1. I amm building a 1/24th Mossie airfix kit . Working on the Merlins. On the G sprue there are 2 parts G-18 & G-27 tThere on the engine parts sprue the block & valve covers. Can not find them in the assembly Book. Doe any one here Know? Please confirm Thanks wedgeman
  2. Hi Peter, I have been following your 1/24 Airfix Mosquito. All I can say it is so real looking, You are my Mentor as I build my Mossie same Kit as yours. Anyway I am starting my Merlins right now. I am using all your tips and know how in my Build. Your Merlins are so Real looking, hopefuly my will be up to par like yours. My question to you is, On the G sprue the one with Engine parts. Part G-18 & G-27. For the life of me I can not find in the Instructions where they go. Your Pictures of your Merlins do not show them at all are they Extra parts not needed? Please confirm. Please let me know, your are a Exceptional Builder and your tips and knowledge on weathering are incredible. thanks Gary
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