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Everything posted by Degzi1994

  1. Hello Ladies & Gentlemen. I am a 25 year old father of two who has decided to go back to education. The course I chose was a Creative Media course. As part of my first major I must create an animation on a chosen topic. The topic I have gone with is the hobby of scale model building as I have slowly been building my experience in the hobby. My initial idea is to create a stop-motion animation of the building process of the Italeri 1:72 Top Gun model kit. This idea may evolve and change based on the results of my audience research (which is where all of you come in). I am asking for a couple of minutes out of each of your day to complete a quick questionnaire. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjqRVY5ihdJ76-ziBt3-k7omfi9f13DrJHzHAY_3O1Iqv5Pw/viewform?usp=sf_link Thank you in advance. Ashley
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