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  1. Hey guys, appreciate the answers I didnt manage to get a airbrush kit yet so i am using brushes to paint my models and enamel paints. Would it be wise to get a gloss clear coat in a spray can or should i stick to the stuff for brushes and airbrush kits? Also do i need to thin these paints? I know its necessary to thin paints when airbrushing, is it the same with regular brushes?
  2. As a beginner who just got into scale modeling and never applied decals before would this method work?: first paint the model with enamel paint 3-4 coats then before applying the decal soak it in warm water paint the surface where i want the decal with 1 layer of thinned gloss coat from revell, place the decal and use homemade decal softener (1 part white vinegar to 8 parts water) then after the decal was set into place where i want it and conformed with the softening solution as i want it could i apply a matt clear coat over the decal to seal it in even though i used gloss clear coat underneath the decal? Should i thin matt clear coat? Could i protect the whole model with matt clear coat? Are gloss clear coat and matt clear coat from revell good as they are the only ones i have access to? Thanks in advance
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