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  1. Thanks! I actually found a lead to the previous owner of LVM but it does not look like he will make any more kits and he did not respond to my question of selling me the files to I could try getting one made. Not a deal breaker as it is the interior kit. I did order the exterior kit and a decal kit before these two vendors go out of business. I completely agree on ordering everything I can if I am going to commit to doing a model .... I am having that exact discussion with myself right now. Long story but I was 8 when my dad took me to see Tora Tora Tora (1970). On the way home we walked by a local hobby shop. There in the window was the Seaview. About 3 ft (33" or 39" depending on the version ... movie or tv) long. Since then I have wanted that model. For the past month or so I have been looking at this model ... about $100. But as you noted, there are a lot of extras I am now looking to buy at the same time. Interior photo etched kits ... decals ... lighting .... If I pull the trigger on it, I will get it all at the same time so 5 years from now, I am not search for parts. Just out of interest, in the back of my mind I am thinking do people use 3d printers to make detail parts for themselves? I have not looked into it much but I see entire models made with these printers. If I can find some drawings of the Arrow, could I just print these parts? Thanks ... Mike
  2. Hello everyone! I am 62 (born and raised in Canada ... 1962 ... now living in VT) and after a 40 break from building models, want to start back in. I am a machinist by trade. My wife is paralyzed from the shoulders down as the result of a diving accident when she was 12. I work out of the house ... a kind of Mr Fix It. I do a bit of this and a bit of that ... build electrical control panels ... fix tractors .... what ever pays the bills. Plus I like to "play" ... I rebuilt a Jukebox a few years back (still have my old tube tester) ... build crystal radios ... rebuild phones ... rebuild an old Victrola (got it for free or it was going to the dump). For the past couple years I have been pretending to be a carpenter, building a new workshop (4500 sq ft ... put every nail in by my self) ... You can see some of my projects on my facebook pages: Facebook - Michael Csele Facebook - Vermont Country Workshop Anyway, I have been collecting models for the past few years ... and have my eyes on a few more. As soon as this shop is done, I plan to get back into the hobby. One model that always interested me (as I was from Canada) was the Avro Arrow. A few years back, I finally found one ... un-opened from the 1987 release. When I did some research, I found there where 3 detail kits available for this model from Mastcasters. I searched and searched ... I guessed they went out of business but could not find a trace of them. And they found a post from April 1, 2023 on this forum (that is what brought me here) saying the owner (Jay Laverty) as going to jail for 5 years! Does anyone know if someone picked up his molds or old inventory or continued the business or ???? I have also been trying to find an internal detail kit for a Revell Gemini Capsule (1/24) from LVM Studios ... seems they have gone out of business. I found the external kit and the decals but not the photo etched interior parts. I have my eyes on a few more "large" kits ... I sure I will have many many questions as I go along. Thanks! Mike
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