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Everything posted by dms340

  1. Thanks a lot for your kind words guys! I think summer has an affect to modellers and things go slower on the workbench....Almost done, with rigging on the way! Some photos of the progress.... I really want to thank Mr Richard Andrews from Aviattic for his valuable help on this effort!
  2. Mark I appreciate it! Thanks... Goodevening folks... It has been some time since my last update, so here I am again... Fuselage is almost ready, and currenlty waiting of Aviattic's lozenge release fro the Albatros (come on Mr Andrews :-D)... I dont want to bother you, so lets get down to the chase... Thanks for watching....
  3. Sasho, you re right....I did some dry fitting and the engine wouldnt get in place with the oil tank. Fortunatelly it was easy to remove it! Thanks! Thanks a bunch guys! I really appreciate it! Now some progress with the engine...Just before the piping and wiring...I had something ''dirty'' in mind (I hope it sounds the right way, lol), since, in my humble opinion, ealry piston engines could have a look like that. I hope you like it!
  4. James, Matt thank you very much... Here again with an update. Getting ready to close the fuselage halves. I used Uschi's ririiging material for the surface control cables, and I was quite amazed. Its easy to use, stretchable, and you dont have to hold it too much while glueing. Anyway, thats the progress for the moment. Any good or bad critique is always welcome. The propeller is painted using coloured pencils. I first painted it with Tamiya's Wooden Deck Tan, and then I simulated the wooden surace with a redish brown pencil. Sealed everything under a satin varnish coat, and gave some oil glazes with raw sienna. I m quite pleased with the outcome since its my first time trying it. I hope you like it....
  5. Thanks a bunch Martin! I ll try my best, though I m too little amongst model ''ma(on)sters''! Thank you very much for the info James. I didnt notice that there s info about the prop on the decal sheet instructions. I have to check my sight sometime! As for the questions about the guns, I couldnt have made them better my self...You re in my mind! Anyway, its the scheme I like and you gave me the motive to proceed as I had in mind...As you say, who will ever know! I m glad you like the outcome so far! Uschi's decals are a great choice for someone that wants a good represenation of a wooden surface, and with a little bit of patience I believe it worths it. Test fitting is OK! I began the process by painting the surfaces with Tamiya's radome tan, then pre shaded with black, and continued with light passes here and there in every ''panel'' with lightened radome tan tones and went all allong to pure yellow and white. You need to be carefull though not to over do it. I was satisfied after I did this process twice! After decals were applied I wanted to give a lighter and more yellowish tone to the ''wood''. There was no possibility to use oil glazes as it would get darker than lighter, so I used Gunze's clear yellow. That was done on the sidewalls. All the other wooden internal structure was painted using oils.Two generous coats of Gunze's gloss varnish were sprayed, an I continued with a subtle wash with raw umber. Just waiting for everything to dry at the moment and then to coat the whole thing with a satin varnish. I hope my Greek thinking and English writing is not that boring for you...Thatnk you for the warm welcome!
  6. I have never tried to build a WWI airplane before, because I was so afraid of the wooden and canvas surfaces, as well as the rigging and stuff. To be really honest I would have never get into this field, but watching all that great stuff from modellers like Jeroen...I said, OK maybe I ll have to give it a go. I picked as a starter the Albatros DVa, which in my humble opinion is the most beautifull bird of that era. I ve completed the internal wooden surfaces using Uschi Van Der Rosten's ''Fine Veneer Plywood'' and ''Knotless'' decals, which I think gave me a very good outcome! All the techniques prior and after decaling are fully described at his site. I wont bother you anymore with bla, bla, bla...So here it comes.... I ve decided to build the ''D'' (OAW) profile which comes with WNW's Wooden Wonders decal sheet, but in my great disappointment, it is described to have been stripped down of its guns. So here are two questions for the experts: Would it be wrong to place its guns (maybe they were installed and stipped downs somewhen later) and what kind of propeller should I use???Niendorf, Axial, or Wolff??? PS Excuse my poor photograph abilities! Any suggestions or directions would be greatly appreciated
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