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    Lower Hutt, New Zealand

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  1. The Walfisch is finished after a pleasant and uneventful build, thanks to the great engineering by the WnW crew. Tamiya acrylic paints, Ezi-Line rigging and Mr Metal metals.
  2. All done and dusted, check out the other photos on the RFI page.
  3. Today was one of those days late in a build where every 30 second job takes 5 minutes to set up, do and then clean up. Wings and struts are on but main undercart is only dry fitted until the rigging is done. It looks too fragile to risk. Gaspatch Parallebum and ASI. WnW photoetch front plate for the gun though. Just looked an easy way that should be sturdy.
  4. Back on the bench after a week or so away with work. First application of decals. Starting to look like a "Walfisch". Wings and undercarriage not fixed in place yet. Still lots to do.
  5. Painting well on the way. Tamiya AS-26 Light Ghost Grey for the undersides and XF-62 Olive Drab for the topsides. Streaked with the airbrush to simulate brush strokes. Still some touch-ups to do before gloss coat, decals, finer details and weathering.
  6. whitey

    New WnW GB!

    Can we have already started. I only started my Roland C.II last weekend.
  7. Fuselage buttoned up with lower wings and tailplanes on. Masked off the rib that runs longitudinally along the top and bottom of the fuselage and used Mr Surfacer 500 to smooth and accentuate it.
  8. Interior well on the way. Just need to add the observer's seat and a couple of bits to the engine then a light wash with some grime and the fuselage should just about be ready to close up.
  9. A bit more work on the interior details today. Wood grain achieved in my usual way with Tamiya acrylics. Start with an undercoat of yellow, then thin mix of Desert Yellow streaked with a soft brush, then dry brush streaks of Red Brown. When all dry then brush Clear Orange. The instrument panel had a coat of Clear Yellow and while wet a light brushing of Clear Orange to mix the two a little.
  10. Changed the interior colour and "wood-grained" the cockpit floor.
  11. A day's modelling interspersed with putting a new load of wood under cover. Darker grey applied to fuselage interior, woodgrain cockpit floor and gloss metallic black on engine block and cylinders prior to metaliser or Alcad.
  12. Scale Models Wellington - IPMS are holding their annual BSK event. It involves club members Building the Same Kit over a two month period. My entry will be the WnW 1/32 Roland C.II. Interior painted in Blu-ish grey but likely to be changed to a darker grey and the floors wood-grained.
  13. Complete and sitting happily in the cabinet. This is a fantastic model of an interesting aircraft that I didn't realise has a presence about it until I finished it. Rigging done using black EZY-LINE and just used some Brass paint to simulate attachment points. Hats off to the WnW guys for producing such a great kit of an impressive subject.
  14. On the run home with this one now. Top wing went on like a breeze and the remaining fittings have been added. I'll let the wings and struts set overnight and then add some oil streaks and mud spots in appropriate places. A free plug for the great guys at WingNutWings.
  15. I don't know about outstanding Ralph, but I am happy with it. Thanks for the kind remarks.
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