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13 Good
  1. Calling this project finished after 8 months work Salty water stains on the floats
  2. more updates to my build Engine attached to the rest of the airplane Smoke screen piping attached to the floats First wing painted No weathering or wash yet just painting and chipping
  3. EXCELLENT just that ........... speech less ( i hope i manage to buy this as my next build )
  4. Engine cover and engine weathered
  5. thanks my friend . unfortunately running on a veryyy low budget at the moment ( unemployed ) for 8 months now...... what is tealight cups ?????
  6. Decided to foil all the metal parts of the airplane using a self adhesive thick aluminum tape This was done to give a different texture look to the rest of the airplane. Since this airplane was covered with cloth and aluminum ( the hatches and wings After priming it with citadel chaos black and letting it dry out for 2 days it was painted using vallejo air acrylics colors and I used the salt weathering technique
  7. Sidewall from the cockpit . The Cables are made from mulliput. Seat-belts are made from paper tape.
  8. <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://s738.photobucket.com/user/Christos_Soumakis/embed/slideshow/Arado196A3"></iframe>
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