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Dangerous Dave

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  1. Also, if the Taube wins, I hope Aviattic will do some decals for the undersides to mimic being able to see through the fabric to the upper wing markings.
  2. I understand wanting the Taube, but in all honesty, I would probably never build it (I would BUY it however). The one we REALLY NEED is the Nieuport 17c. Been having to put up with the Academy kit for waaaaaaayyyyy too many years.
  3. Ooh- a Cannon SPAD XII would be interesting!
  4. No one mentioned reissuing the Hansa Brandenberg W.29, LVG, RE8 or Fokker D.VII (Fok- early)?
  5. OK, you asked for it. Sopwith Dolphin Nieuport 17c SPAD XIII (early and late) Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter Nieuport 11 Bebe Fokker Dr.I Sopwith F.1 Camel Nieuport 28 Albatros D.III Phonix D.I, II Any Albatros 2-seater in that order. Man- I could go on and on...
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