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William Catto

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Everything posted by William Catto

  1. I strongly agree with the desire for the market to offer a 1/32 scale Dornier Do-17! There is no other Luftwaffe bomber accept the Heinkel He-177 that hasn't been offered in the larger scale. Zoukei Mura; Revell Germany, Dragon/DML; HK; Trumpeter- SOMEBODY please offer a 1/32 scale Dornier Do-17!
  2. Guys, I have a question/ request. Has anybody seen a "Cammett Limited 1/32 E-377 Launch Trolley" kit for sale either in a vintage model shop or on the web? No luck in any of the usual model shops or EBay. Thanks.
  3. My vote for a "new" Luftwaffe WW II 1/32 scale model would be a Dornier Do-17. In 1/32 scale we already have Me-262 series from Trumpeter; Revell has offered the Heinkel He-111 P and H; Revell has offered the Ju-88A-1/4 and with Aims conversions you can make the entire series of Ju-88, 188, and 388 models. There are many Me-109 and Fw-190 variants on the market. HK and Zoukei Mura offer the Dornier Do-335... Well, you get my point!
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