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  1. very inspiring work aaron! I love the look of "naked" airplanes ( especially with wood ) I am normally an armor guy but ever since i saw the "naked natter" on military illustrated modelers issue 31 cover I have had the urge to build something like this
  2. I'm a sherman nut, the tasca(asuka) shermans are some of the best kits ever produced, the shake and bake of a tamiya kit with the detail of a dragon model.
  3. Hello! I'm a new member here ( I'm planning a wingnut wings build and joined to talk about planes, i'm an armor guy) I have done a bunch of 3d work for printing, for myself as well as for others. here is my shapeways store: https://www.shapeways.com/designer/RanchFX let me know what you need!
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