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Everything posted by loic

  1. No problem Jan If you need my contact détails or anything else, just let me know. Cheers, Loic
  2. Hi CruZz, you may know me from LSP, I am the guy who made the master pattern of the engine bay for Grey Matter. I just seen your effort at building the kit and must admit I am very surprised to see all the problems you faced I have obviously built several of these kits in order to create the assembly sequence sheet, etc... and have never experienced such fitting issue and neither did the other builds I have seen. I may ask a few questions if you don't mind? - Did you follow the assembly sequence as per the instructions? I spent a lot of time on this and I know that not following it may lead to alignment problems. - I see that you have cut out the round piece that feature the engine mount ring which suppress the centering and alignment pins: was that on purpose? - Also, can I please ask what was the issue with the firewall? The position of the holes in which the upper part of the mount fit have to be in the exact same position otherwise, the assembly of the mount itself may be all off. Just a few questions cause on side of accuracy, my main target with this kit (and god knows I put all my heart in it) was to make it a shake and bake kit, not to bug the community with assembly issues. I also know that Grey Matter are really involved in delivering quality product and their commitment is very strong. If there is any fundamental problem problem with the kit, I need to know and understand so we can fix the issue Thanks in advance for your feed back. Cheers, Loic
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