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Everything posted by Iain Ogilvie
1:32 Revell He219 - with a few mods...
Iain Ogilvie replied to Iain Ogilvie's topic in LSM 1/35 and Larger Work In Progress
Hi all - this is where we're at - I desperately need to crack on with a Spitfire I have to have finished in two weeks - so this one may be delayed for final bits and bobs. Have fun! Iain -
1:32 Revell He219 - with a few mods...
Iain Ogilvie replied to Iain Ogilvie's topic in LSM 1/35 and Larger Work In Progress
And the primer stage is almost in sight! Cowls assembled and fitted (with lost central 'cone' replaced with home-made resin copy). Radio/Radar kit painted and fitted. Rear canopy fitted. Landing light cover painted clear yellow internally and fitted. Eduard Brassin wheel parts prepped and part painted. I *will* finish! Iain -
1:32 Revell He219 - with a few mods...
Iain Ogilvie replied to Iain Ogilvie's topic in LSM 1/35 and Larger Work In Progress
Apologies for quality of images - quick snaps under poor lighting - still not got everything sorted in the workshop... First off - the excellent Barracuda cowl flap sets. Deviation from instructions in that I've assembled everything onto cowl fronts - rather than mounting the radiator units to the firewall first. This made adding all those actuator rods a hell of a lot easier!! Been playing with the nose. 'shelf', armour plate, gun-sight, armoured glass and windshield fitted and blended into nose with sanding sticks - slightly re-shaping the canopy in the process - and removing moulded in frame lines. Front end has been gone over with various grades of MicroMesh and plastic polish to restore clarity of the transparency. Rear transparency just placed in situ - not bonded yet as I need to do all the radio/radar kit... Tail feathers on - note corrected fins... Ventral gun pack front end on... More when there's, er, more... Have fun! Iain -
1:32 Spanish Civil War Ju52/3m g3e
Iain Ogilvie replied to Iain Ogilvie's topic in LSM 1/35 and Larger Work In Progress
Further progress... Internal frames shaped to fit under fuselage top section and wing root areas cleaned up after boxing in: Starbord door and window section prepped and 'windows' removed for glazing Wing roots trued up and pretty good fit now! Iain -
1:32 Spanish Civil War Ju52/3m g3e
Iain Ogilvie replied to Iain Ogilvie's topic in LSM 1/35 and Larger Work In Progress
*I'd* almost forgotten about this one!! Thanks to a little sunshine I managed to get the last two exterior window sills replaced - so now back on models... Thought someone might find my method of adding windows useful (you never know!) Using a brilliant sheet of clear acrylic sheet (Bayer Vivac) = beautifully clear it comes with both sides of the sheet coated in a blue protective film: New panes are cut using the openings as a template: Once happy we have panes that fit - remove the protective film - and it's out with the black permanent marker - once around the outer edges of the clear pane and once around the window opening: Excuse the finger prints! All fitted nicely in place a fine brush is used to flow Plastic Weld into the joints from behind - pointing the brush sideways in towards the joint on the white plastic side (not the acrylic - marks easily!): And Bob's your Aunty: Panel loosely tacked in place - panes will be polished with Plastic Polish before masking again ready for paint: Right - back to the slog... Iain -
This one's been on the go since '07 (my usual glacial buuild rate) but yesterday I dug her out for a looksee and made lots of progress (for once!): Inner walls double skinned with corrugated plastic sheet and brass box section side rails added to straighten the sides: Start made on more bulkheads - rectangular 'blanks' of correct width made up - and one 'notched to fit around brass 'rails'. Later I'll shape to fit roof and cut out middles - so the form upturned 'U' shapes: New doors made/cut out to convert the fuselage to correct mark of Ju52: Wing roots boxed in with plastic sheet cut oversize - will be cut back and shaped to profile later: Wings loosely on - only a few minor tweaks need then fit's a good'un... All control surfaces now prepped and bonded together: Wheels assembled, spats assembled, cowl rings cut out and replacement canopy sourced from a spare Combat Models kit (hoping the original will turn up somewhere): Fuselage top - next stage gun mount opening: And reinforced internally with more corrugated styrene sheet: Back later (prolly with some other random project! ) Iain
For anyone interested - this is what I'm thinking in terms of breakdown of individual parts availability - and 'complete' sets - thoughts/input appreciated! Absolutely no idea re. prices/availability yet - but once I have the base patterns complete I will post here and elsewhere asking to get an idea of interest (not commitment) so I have a rough idea of volumes before casting - and, therefore, a reasonably accurate idea of costs! But progress is now up a gear! Iain EDIT - there's the F/R probe, gun ports and F3 vents to be added - and the belly tanks probably need to be available separately...
BTW - if anyone's wondering what those horizontal lines are on the fin - that's just me filling horizontal surface detail as it was no longer horizontal after rotating the fin back a few degrees. Oh - and shape is distorted there because of position of camera lens/distortion. Now - do I try and match Trumpeters 'rivets' - or go smoother - more prototypical - and leave builder to fill divots in rest of kit? The latter's the way I'm heading at present - but feedback welcomed! Have fun! Iain
OK - all day on Lightning stuff today - I need a break! More fettling on the fuselage underside for the early machines: And a little more on F Mk 6 belly: Blending canopy area and further shaping on spine and area immediately behind canopy: Now - in further news - there is a God! Ages ago I mentioned the flaps should be constant chord? Well - because taper made them *thinner* in plan I can fix with new resin flaps and simply cut back the flap openings in the wings a little. Original top, my rough shape below: And the fin - getting there! There will be a further strip added to base: Night all! Iain
It seems that I can spend hours on this - and not a lot of progress! Fuselage keel has been straightened up again - and is just about ready for detail - as is the early belly tank. F6 tank has been reshaped in side elevation and now ready (finally) for me to add gun troughs and build up a little at the front. In picture news - a start made on a second go at the square top fin - a wedge has been removed from base (0 at front - approx 1.5 mm at base of rudder) to correct the angle at rear - and the top's been shortened a little. Next step, apart from correcting surface detail, is to add a wedge of plastic to leading edge (and fill that divit of an intake at base). Once done it will be the same shape/size/angles as the Echelon one. Alongside this the spine has been 'fitted' to the upper fuse curve and is being fine adjusted. Horizontal stab has been reshaped - and now looks like the real thing: More soon (maybe). Iain
I took a lot last week of the F-4K at the Fleet Air Arm Museum, Yeovilton. Not brilliant images - the airframe is part of the simulated carrier deck display and is *very* poorly lit. Camera set to 1600 ISO but I've still had to do a lot of manipulation to bring out shadows - otherwise they'd just be black holes. So no awards for photography - but all helping to build a 'picture' (no pun intended!). Firstly - a nice, large scale, model of the 'Ark' in the museum: Followed by airframe (note this has added lighting etc. as part of it's 'take off' display...): Back in a mo... Iain
The full story so far can be found here... The canopy was the first thing that struck me - way out in side profile - and too wide in plan (it's such a distinctive shape). I spent a hell of a lot of time looking at photos, available drawings, the Airfix 1:48 kits and Frank Brown's excellent Echelon 1:32 vac kit before creating a new master in Milliput. This then led to a narrower/higher cockpit sill being needed - along with a shallower nose ring (externally) - longer internally to meet the moulded inlet ducting... Have had measuring tape out where possible on original airframes for items such as nose ring. Only way to make a 100% accurate model would be to start again - but I recon I can get it one hell of a lot closer to the look of the original. Oh - and completely new to pattern making - has taken a *lot* longer than I thought. In this last image you'll see early correction parts alongside the superb Echelon kit - which I know was created from manufacturers drawings (although I have found one or two minor errors with the Echelon kit): Then there were the belly tanks - too short/too bulbus in both versions... Then spine, tails, wings, undercarriage... Then, then, then - oh - you get the drift... Anyhoo - making some progress now - and, yes, hope to make available commercially at some point. Iain
1:32 Revell He219 - with a few mods...
Iain Ogilvie replied to Iain Ogilvie's topic in LSM 1/35 and Larger Work In Progress
Apologies - just realised I haven't posted any updates... Wings/nacelles have been given another coat of primer - followed by a going over with 3800 MicroMesh. One or two minor blemishes to fix - then re-scribe panel detail. The Barracuda radiators and open cowl flaps have been removed from their pour stubs and the surfaces dressed off on flat wet and dry. Kit cowls have had the kit radiators removed and the moulded in cowl flaps removed so they mate with the new resin ones. In the images below they're tacked together with BluTak to get an idea of fit and look. Iain -
Am sure many will have seen progress to date on my goal to correct the most glaring issues with Trumpeters 1:32 Lightning kits - but for any that haven't this is where we've got to. Please disregard the square top fin illustrated on the F Mk 3 and F Mk 6 - that's incorrect and is being re-done this week. There are other parts as well - such as tank fins - but gives a flavour of where I'm heading. Parts are 'blanks' at present - being shaped and test fitted. New spine looks curved in photos - but will be straight! F Mk 1A (note that I've taped it onto the F Mk 6 front end for speed - hence gap at front of belly section!): F Mk 3: F Mk 6: Iain
I've started to compare the 1:48 Hasegawa kit with the Tamiya 1:32 kit - and - yes - before anyone rails at me pointing out that this can be frought with danger and there's nothing to say the Hasegawa kit is accurate - I know!! However - if Hasegawa offered to scale up their kit tomorrow - would anyone object? Am going through where the Hasegawa kit is in terms of accuracy first - then I'll read across what I can use to the larger build. And tomorrow I'll probably make the fin tip RWR section as is should be straightforward and at least means I've started in earnest. Iain
1:48th Hasegawa FG Mk 1 has arrived - thanks to Sean (Mozzy19 on Britmodeller) and that will be a great help. I've been studying photo's, photo's and more photo's and my current thinking is that the conversions I've seen done to date in 1:32 create too much of a coke bottle shape compared to the original fuselage plan view. Off out today - but plastic cutting will start tomorrow... I'm relying on input from you lot though - so don't be shy if you see anything awry - but pleeeeeze keep it all constructive! FGR colour schemes - suggestions so far include 2 Sqn and the shark mouthed 41 Sqn with EMI Recce pod - although it means I have to make the EMI pod (any photo's/drawings anyone?). Also quite liking the early 6 Sqn scheme... Iain