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    Virginia Beach, VA
  1. I recently received and started the Hobby Boss M1070 tractor and HETS trailer and as I was starting the work on the Tractor frame, I noticed a problem. I'm missing and entire sprue. I thought I had misplaced it while unwrapping and inspecting the parts but I've torn apart my entire house thinking maybe a three year old kid may have gotten a hold of it and ran off. No such luck. My question is...how is Hobby Boss at replacing parts and sprues. I've searched the net looking and can't find anything that helps. I really don't want to buy another kit ($$$) and have to mold all the parts I'm missing. I really want to build this thing but I'm kind of lost on what I can do.
  2. Watch Amazon.com for sales. I was able to score a Sotar 20/20 for 70 bucks. its now my go to gun, with my badger patriot as my general purpose gun. As for techniques, listen to Doogs at his website, his black basing has completely changed the way I paint my models.
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