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Everything posted by WattsNZ

  1. Almost back on track. Takes a while to strip all the old paint off!
  2. Bit of a disaster... fixable thankfully. Paint issues... it started to peel off. Masked a section with tamiya tape and the MM paint peeled away... hmmm. Frustrating... Anybody else ever had this issue? Have never had it with Tamiya acrylics... May be a result of not properly cleaning the plastic before painting... I did prime but was acrylic not the tamiya primer I have used in the past. Am busy stripping the remainder of the old paint with a mix of an acrylic car paint stripper (pretty strong stuff) and ISA. About 10 parts IPA to 1 of the stripper. Seems to be working well and no damage to the plastic. A lot of re-scribing work to do! I may paint this one with enamel now to avoid this occurring again...
  3. Im kind of working off this image as a guide... My finished model will have more mess arounf the exhaust though. It looks as though this SPAD has had a recent wipe down. But the general beaten up and weathered work horse look is what I'm going for.
  4. Haha, Skyraider is indeed misleading. I think the appeal for me is that is was kind of a tractor, rugged and functional, elegant in an ugly ducking way. A filthy oil spewing workhorse that defied the jet age. Its been interesting researching the different look of the plane as it seems it varied from aircraft to aircraft, ie: were the wheel wells white or green? So many variations. So I guess it doesn't really matter what they are! Same with the cannons... muzzle suppressor or no muzzle suppressor...
  5. Been a while since I posted. Works been busy! Have made some progress though... Engine is dry fitted, Landing gear is complete with weather and have added some wire for brake hose. Getting there!
  6. I think its a map of some sort, compass maybe? Im not really sure but the Eduard PE cockpit set comes with a choice of 3 different type. It slides in and out of the instrument console, was an interesting experiment to fit!
  7. Almost complete engine, just a few more touch ups on the exhausts. Have added some spare PE I had to replicate the central metal part between the cylinders.
  8. I haven't really decided yet... but more than likely the naval version. Might be nice not doing camo!
  9. Thanks. Enjoying being back into it and looking at all the builds on here for ideas and inspiration!
  10. Getting back into this scale modelling thing thanks to my son having been given a couple of Airfix starter kits... got me thinking. Have almost completed Tamiya's 1/32 MkIX Spitfire and have begun work on Trumpeters 1/32 A1-J Skyraider. The Skyraider has always fascinated me as an aircraft as has the conflicts that occurred in southeast asia in the 50s, 60,s and 70s. Anyway, have begun work on the engine, adding a couple extra details from scratch... really just experimenting with different techniques as I go as I have no idea what I'm doing really! Engine piping based on a few online resources and added to the OTB kit as well as possible.
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