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  1. Hi all, I didn’t realise. WNW will not bring out kits that compete with existing models. So no Dr.1. But my next guess, a Halberstadt, has just been announced! yay! https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235037958-132-halberstadt-clii-by-wingnut-wings-test-model-release-late-2018/ And Aces sets are in development! http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/014EB5A964E7EA56FF86138D5BCA6BC0 Anyone else excited?!?!!!
  2. I didn’t realise. WNW will not bring out a kit that competes with existing models. So no Dr.1. But my next guess, a Halberstadt, has just been announced! yay!
  3. Hi all! New WNW kit to be announced in Feb. Any ideas? A Dr.1 to coincide with BvonR’s 100th in April? An Albatros III? Halberstadt CL? Maybe an Re8 duelist or special ed. re-pack .. any thoughts on what the future holds?
  4. Hi Sounds great! Will have to check out the quality... Might inspire Revell to re-tool their 1/48?
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