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Melvyn Hiscock

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  1. Lost for words! As an aside, it is worth looking out Donald Lopez’s book ‘Fighter Pilot’s Heaven’ about testing the early jests at Elgin, just after the war. I had a copy to review, in the old days when I did Aeroplane Monthly’s book reviews (and I DID read them), and I was also supposed to send them back, but this one is still here 20 years on and has been read at least three times. It genuinely made me laugh out loud and Lopez was an excellent writer and ended up working for the Smithsonian. I did try to set up one of the ‘Flying Visit’ interviews I was doing with him too, but the Smithsonian were not very helpful as I recall. But look out the book, it is a good read. Melvyn Hiscock Former contributor to Armchair Aviation and Flying Visit for Aeroplane Monthly and very nearly a former modeller having just read 12 pages of having Peter, I am sure unintentionally, rub my nose in the dirt.
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