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Pete Fleischmann

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Everything posted by Pete Fleischmann

  1. Thanks all- if you look closely, there is a working dog in the helo cabin... cheers Pete
  2. Thank you! each figure took a few evenings of painting..probably 1 week per figure cheers Pete
  3. All of the figures were hand painted with Vallejo acrylics. This gunner from Live Resin was a joy to paint- their figures are fantastic! cheers Pete
  4. Here is the fast rope assembly that attaches to the cabin ceiling- cheers Pete
  5. Here are the cockpit doors- I forgot to add the red emergency egress pull straps- oh well. Next time! Cheers Pete
  6. Here’s a look at the armored floor- just simple hairspray chipping between layers- cheers Pete
  7. Thanks Hubert- been meaning to join here for a while- nice folks cheers Pete
  8. Hi! a lot of the cabin gear is/are 1/35th resin military accessories. The cabin roof was opened up and all of the electronics scratch built. the I.V. Bags are scratch built out of epoxy resin...not too bad to do- cheers Pete
  9. Here are a few odds and ends from this build- cheers Pete
  10. Hi Carl, Woody at Archer Transfers was kind enough to make a custom A4 size sheet of rivets with the proper diameter and spacing for me. After all of the recessed rivets were filled, it took me about a month working on and off to apply them. I found it easy to do, and quite relaxing actually- not bad at all Thank you all for the kind welcoming! Cheers Pete
  11. Hello all- wrapping up the Kitty Hawk HH-60G as an inflight display with Live Resin figures. A complete re-rivet job using Archer rivets- cheers Pete
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