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  1. I really enjoy the 1/16 scale armor stuff myself, the Tamiya R/C kits and scratch built models make up my collection. I occasionally go to the Danville tank museum and join in the 1/16 IR tank battles that they host. I mostly go to check out what the other modelers have been building, its like an IPMS show but they all run! That is really irritating about my Apple computer, all of my photos are on this thing and its to much of a pain in the neck to send the photos over to my wife's lap top and then post them. There seems to be some fantastic modelers on this site but I don't see me posting much, I'll just be in the shadows checking out the builds.
  2. Yep, thats the difference between 1/16 & 1/35 scale. I built the little one as a pattern to scale up for the 1/16 model. I also used some nice 3-views that I was able to find to help with details.
  3. Well i found out that it is my Apple computer that is the issue with posting photos. I am doing this post on my wife's lap top which uses windows.
  4. Yes, thats the model running around in my shop. At the time this was taken I still had a bit more work to be done on the model. Any idea why I can't post photos? Do you have to re-size photos for this site? I tried the "drop or drag files" and then it just says "uploading" but nothing happens?
  5. I took a couple of photos for you but I can't seem to get them to up-load on this forum. I just joined tonight, oh well. If you go on You Tube and put in "Char 2C in 1/16" a short clip of the model should pop up. Sorry about that, I tried.
  6. I really like this tank, and you did a very nice build on the Meng kit. The history of this monster makes for some fascinating reading, all the corruption combined with the "committee" build requirements made for a completely useless tank. But it makes a great model subject, I ended up scratch building a 1/16 R/C model of the Char just because I liked it so much!
  7. Fantastic work! I have taken to building all my armor models in 1/16 (or larger) just because of my aging eyes. Your figures are very nicely done & really bring the scene to life.
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