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  1. Greetings That is a beautiful build. My father, Frank Just, was radio operator and gunner on the Sandman for the Ploiesti mission. He is long gone now but I am sure he would appreciate the model. In the image of the flight crew he is on the bottom left. Jeff asked why the Sandman. Well probably because it is the most famous of the B24's due to the photos taken of it coming out of the smoke bank during the Ploiesti raid. The photo is one of the most iconic of WWII. Frank made it through WWII and led a pretty good life afterwards. He spent 20 years in the Air Force. He got out of the service after the war but re-upped into the Air Force after finding life in Cleveland boring. I have his Distinguished Flying Cross and some other memorabilia from his WWII days. Thanks for building this model.
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