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Everything posted by JRobinsonUSAF

  1. I agree. I found a color video of this aircraft flying at Reno, the wings were obviously NOT green. From the angle of the camera, the top of the wings looked to be grey or silver, and the bottom looked more grey. Possibly a function of the lighting. I'll have to reach out to Draw Decal and see where they got their information for the decal instructions. I gotta get this built, there's a Smirnoff F8F and the Crazy Horse P-63 in the pattern! Thanks, JR
  2. Do you have a link or can you post a pic of the Bardahl Lightning with the green/OD wings? The Draw Decal instructions text states that this bird had the wings painted in a green that matched the green on the Bardahl hydroplane. That would look really sharp, but I'd love to see a color photo to verify this. Thanks, JR
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