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Old cranky modeller

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  1. Sorry for the delay in replying, my ongoing condition has had me away from modelling again. That looks really great and thanks for the information. i won’t be starting mine for some time as I wish to make use of aftermarket parts and as I am now disabled and cannot work, it takes me some time to acquire the extra parts I wish to add. This is bookmarked though so I can refer back. Thanks again.👍
  2. So my return to modelling at the start of 2023 didn’t really go to plan. My modelling time is limited simply by pain. In 2023 I completed one 1/32 hurricane, which was really a mule for trying things, different paints, one side masked the other decals. i started a se one but hit a issue with the flaps in the aircraft and the dozens of pe parts required to construct them. My rheumatoid arthritis has worsened in my fingers so tiny oe parts are painful and that got shelved. so I started the Takom 1/16 jeep and all,went well until just before Christmas when my main issue flared up and it became to painful to sit at my bench. That lasted until 2 weeks ago when I picked up the almost complete and painted jeep to remind me where I got to. Then my 120 pound German Shepherd wanted a close look as well and hit my arm, jeep went flying and impacted the laminate floor and exploded. So I had to buy another as it was damaged beyond feasible repair, so I’ve started again. I’m also building a Kotare Spitfire, which is currently in paint. Because of my arthritis I’ve bought a new airbrush, a pistol grip like my Grex and Iwata. The pistol grip makes long painting sessions almost pain free and as most of my kits are large with big aircraft tanks and ships to spray comfort is important. I’ve also purchased a 4 way airline distribution bar so I can run upto 4 brushes at once, means less clean outs and swapping. Just got to assemble it. its pretty much all,for comfort reasons and I aim eventually to have one brush for each nozzle and fluid tip I have, meaing I won’t have to fiddle with changing needles and nozzles unnecessarily. I will try to get some hoots up of progress on jeep take 2 later. I have also ordered the sol model wheels and tyres as they have branding and other text on the sidewalls and look really smart. its good to see other modellers from Lincolnshire. I’m hoping to get to my local model club but my knee injury means I can’t drive. My other half was willing to take me if I felt up to it, but at the end of,January her titanium alloy hip implant snapped and she spent 2 1/2 weeks in hospital and she’s now using my hospital bed in the living room, while I sleep in a recliner chair. So no trips to the model club for a while yet, bah humbug.
  3. That looks brilliant. I have the 1D version to build. I just picked up the Anyz cockpit framing to include in my build.
  4. I have this kit in my stash with the Airscale cockpit after market to include in the build. Your build looks great.👍
  5. Hi all returning modeller here, modelled in the sixties and seventies until I learnt to drive met girls and got involved in motorsport. Now living in Bomber County, Lincolnshire for the last 19 years i returned at the beginning of 2023 at the wife’s suggestion to occupy my mind. Since the middle of July 2022 I’ve lived in my living room after a failed surgery left me unable to get upstairs, and had done its best to kill me. I sleep on a hospital bed in the living room and await surgery no. 5 now to try and fix the issue hopefully without losing the leg or the recovery kills me, unfortunately either of those is a distinct possibility. Yah boo sucks🥴😂👍 i had intended to start modelling but all my stuff is upstairs, so at christmas 2022 my wife gave me the dining room for building and the utility room for my spraybooth. The pain limits my modelling in a big way so for 2023 I managed to complete one kit and start 2 others, I usually manage a hour or so per day, but I haven’t done anything yet in 2024. my hands suffer from arthritis and I have cataracts which are not bad enough to remove yet. Because of this I don’t touch 1/72 at all, some 1/48 and mainly 1/32 and bigger. i don’t have a particular genre, just kits I like the look of so I have planes, boats and tanks from big to very big (with a measurement of a metre on at least one axis, for some). My stash of 22 kits, soon to be 23, is modest in size but eclectic. im currently working on the Takom 1/16 jeep and a Kotare Spitfire. i look forward to getting to know you all and learning lots.
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