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Everything posted by Bogus

  1. Been away for a while, so great to see the progress! As an owner of several (admittedly slightly more modern) Nortons myself, I feel a right scoundrel by pointing out that the bike has been printed as a mirror image. The primary drive case should be on the left, and the timing case on the right. Likewise the front brake drum is on the left. Unless your photos are reversed? I hope this doesn't detract from the fantastic work you're achieving - please keep it coming!
  2. And it includes a compass decal, unlike the kit decals - bonus!
  3. Good to see this progressing well - very inspiring. There's a hi-tech boxing awaiting attention once I've finished my current build, so it'll be interesting to see how the cannon assembly goes together. Kent BoB Museum has a great FB page, and there's a lot of good reference material there, with the new build front fuse being displayed alongside Steve Vizard's recovered parts from P6966. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077001196765 The rest of the museum looks seriously interesting too.
  4. The amount, and quality of information available now is just fantastic. When I was researching for an R/C build quite a few years ago, a lot of this was unobtainable. When I was at Westlands there was some activity from the enthusiasts at a nearby Test & Evaluation Establishment looking to dig a corner of the airfield (the old fire training pan if memory serves), where it was thought the remains of G-AGOI had been bulldozed under when the new Social Club was built. I think Wessex Archaeology/Time Team were approached at one point, but the Westlands Archivist, the Late Fred Ballam, found some aerial photos of the site from around the time construction started, and it confirmed that the site had been cleared, so that saved a lot of trowel work!
  5. Great thread! Special Hobby's colour callouts are questionable in a number of areas - black tailplane underside, red Pyrene extinguisher etc., but the model itself is one of their best. I hadn't realised Westlands used silver as a protective finish, so I've learned yet more new things from following this thread. I had the pleasure of spending time in the Westlands archives many years ago when I was an Engineer there, but I'd moved to pastures new by the time Steve Vizard brought in some of his collection. @GunnarO we conversed a while ago, and I think I managed to increase your drawing collection by one up-issue! keep up the great work guys 👍 Andy
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