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rick geisler

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13 Good
  1. Just a thought here but I hope all future voters vote for what they truly want to see kitted and not what SEEMS the most popular! Maybe unnecessary to post this but.... I think we all want an accurate result. Rick Geisler
  2. Yes thanks for the update. I counted last night but didn't post. Seems you did the same as I did with the SPAD XIII. I added all of the generic "SPAD" votes to the 13 although they could have been counted as a 7,11,12, etc. RAGIII
  3. Yes they did in an interview a couple of years ago. The Camel is in Development. No idea when it will be released of course. I still have this strange feeling/wish that it will be boxed in a Duelist package with a DR1 :-) RAGIII
  4. A very Bold and ambitious release for sure! Personally, Like the W12, it is not my cup of Tea but I am excited for all of you who must have one! I will look at picking up a few of the many WNW kits I don't have yet as my Christmas gifts. Rick Geisler
  5. Well it is hard to choose just one.... so in order: 1. Sopwith Dolphin 2.Fokker EV 3. Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter 4. Fokker DR1 5. Fokker DII 6. Halberstadt DII I will not waste a vote on a Camel as WNW already said they have one in Development. Rick Geisler
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