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Everything posted by Daskin

  1. One of the best Trumpeter P-51B I have seen, the nose job made all the difference. Is this the last P-51B you will build? BR Ralph
  2. Hi John,

    I'm asking because I did the 3D drawing for the exhaust long time ago for my own use at the time there were no aftermarket exhaust available. I change the design many times until I was satisfied. Around one year ago I exchange the 3d drawing with parts from aerocraftmodels for my P-51B.
    I'm just curious if my effort meet the expaction of modellers because I do it for fun.

    Regards; Ralph

    1. JohnB


      In my opinion Ralph, the one's I used were 1st class and worked out well. You did a good job of it!


  3. Great job John, as I remember the Nose of the Tumpeter is 2 mm to long and shape still way off from original. Replacing it is the best option. Can You kindly give me real feedback about the exhausts. Regards Ralph
  4. Hi and cheers from German part of Swiss, so I speak German, hope my comments are still useful. I would translate as "Catch me if you can!" —> Fang mich falls Du kannst. And this with the Eierloch I never heard and would use, its to stupid To the other saying: 'Zu schnell für Dich' to fast for you —> okay 'Krieg mich doch' Try catch me —> Fang mich 'Mensch ärgere Dich nicht' is the German name of the classic board game called Ludo in English. The meaning is: Man, don't get annoyed because you get kicked out often. —> OKAY but seldom used 'Schneller als die Polizei erlaubt' Faster than is permitted by the police —> OKAY 'Viel Feind viel Ehr' ' The more enemy, the more honor —> Viele Feinde (Plural) grosse Ehre 'Neid muss man sich verdienen' Envy you have to earn —> Neid muss man sich erst verdienen 'Schnell wie die Feuerwehr' Fast as the fire brigade —> OKAY common too is: Schneller als die Feuerwehr. Thats it Regards Ralph
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