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16 Good
  1. We thought we would share three of the new eight profiles for the Mossie Mk VI EagleCals we are currently developing. Our Decal Engineer is now wrapping up the decal designs based on Steve Deisley's terrific profiles. Enjoy - Judy, Eagle Editions http://www.eagle-editions.com/decal-page/?___store=default
  2. Hello Ben; Thank you so very much for the fine review. Both Jim Hatch and Jeroen Peters worked very hard to get all the details correct. We are very proud of the end result. Hannants has them for sale in the UK. Cheers, Judy
  3. We are working on new EagleCals for the Corsair F4U-1a, and will release them in 1:32, 1:48 and 1:72 for those interested! There are two sheets and we have just approved the profiles. Here they are in no particular order: We'll be putting them on the site soon for pre-orders, thanks! Judy - Eagle Editions Ltd.
  4. We are now stocked up with the Rotol Spinner and prop blades (EP#70-32) and the drop in corrected oil cooler (EP#71-32). Visit our site for photos, eagle-editions.com Thanks! Judy Team Eagle
  5. Hi All, We will have the new Spitfire Rotol spinners and props along with the corrected oil coolers here next week., Visit our site for details! http://www.eagle-editions.com/eagleparts/all-parts-for-the-spitfire-1-32-mk-i-and-mk-ii.html With thanks to Jim Hatch and Jeroen Peters of Large Scale Modeler for their help in preparation of the Masters for our newest EagleParts! Cheers, Judy
  6. Just thought everyone would enjoy the newest review of our Tiffie EagleCals, this one from The Modelling News: http://www.themodellingnews.com/2014/07/a-new-look-for-your-big-typhoon.html Team Eagle
  7. Hi All; We are excited to announce a new scale for EagleCals - two new sheets featuring the Hawker Typhoon in 1/24th scale: Here is the link to our page: http://www.eagle-editions.com/eaglecals/24.html And here are the profiles:
  8. Hi everyone; With the arrival of the new HK B-25H kit, we thought we would remind everyone of our EagleCals for the kit. The link is here: http://www.eagle-editions.com/eaglecals/32/b-25j-and-b-25h-click-to-view-all-available-markings/eaglecals-146-32-b-25h-detail.html Thanks!!! Judy and Team Eagle
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