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About kermit

  • Birthday 10/18/1977

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  1. Definately bookmarking this one! Man thats gorgeous Anzo.... Oh by the way, i can confirm the new Revell P39D is the special hobby minus the resin and PE goodies. Richard
  2. Always wondered if the JJ-5 is just a chinese produced Mig15UTI or are there real differences/ changes? Richard
  3. I can even live with the numbering... For me the biggest problem with RoG kits and especially the older ones is the bad paint callouts and the mixing paint ratio's being off the mark alot. Richard
  4. The boxes..... well at least theyre usually pretty...? It is a thing that they fanatically continue doing and i kinda got used to it. Since revell have been putting out very good quality stuff at low prices as of late (AR196...JU88...B17G...Bismarck etc.) I am happy to hear its a new tooling. Makes me carefully positive about this release.Nobody ever accused me of throwing a fit over a 2mm inaccuracy or a hatch being 1mm too far this or that way so i dont think it will be a problem for me. Thanks for the info guys! Never really dabbled into the jerry stuff and this 1/32 109 seems like an affordable testbed in this froggies' hands Richard
  5. http://www.revell.de/index.php?id=210&KGKANR=0&KGKOGP=10&KGSCHL=2&L=1&page=1&sort=0&nc=&searchactive=&q=&SWO=&ARMAS4=&PHPSESSID=be4920d22658f5295d9d9d20fefc83cc&KZSLPG=&offset=7&cmd=show&ARARTN=04665&sp=1 Does anybody have the lowdown on this kit? Is it some ancient mold refired? A rebox? New tool? Knowing the latest revell gear has very nice prices i am wondering if it is the same with this one and wether it would be an actual decent kit. Richard
  6. Lovely build! Did you happen to make "in progress" pics? Would love to see how the interior is OOB... Richard
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