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Kai Menzel

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  1. This is the Model of the Ural 4320 from (I think) Revell. The vehicle body and the engine was from Real Model (Resinparts). The Ural was a part of the "MAZ Tank Transporter" and I took this model from the transporter, because the front wheels brok because of the belgian highway. The next picture I will take of both models, MAZ and Ural. The kit from Revell was horrible and so I needed a canvas cover to hide the cracks at the cabine. On the left side you can see such a crack at the door. See you next time and happy modelling. Kai
  2. Hey, my name is Kai and this is the bust of the Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin. The bust was produced from Ulrich Puchala and have the scale 1:10. I painted the bust with Vallejo color. This was my first project in this scale and I learn so much. Normaly I work in 1:35. Happy modelling Kai PS: I fight with my camera and the light. And the next Picture would be smaller and better.
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