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  1. Yes, it looks to be the exhaust of the rear APU, also with a drain coming out the bottom Show Reply
  2. Isn't this the compartment for the external first aid kit just aft of the crew entry door?
  3. I'm hoping for the option such that a Lancaster from 1943 can be built. The prototype seems to have lots of elements from the current flying airframes, which don't necessarily appear on wartime Lancasters. Thanks for posting the photos!
  4. The AWM/Google have done a walk through of G-George which might come in handy... Can be selected from their Museum view. https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/collection/australian-war-memorial or here directly: https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/asset-viewer/%E2%80%9Dg-for-george%E2%80%9D-avro-lancaster-bomber/GgHH-H5eEkXswg
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