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Everything posted by RicHardM8

  1. Beychevelle Thanks for your comments but no it wasn't me.
  2. Thanks for your replies. Remco although the valve gear will I hope actually work via cams on the crankshaft, the engine will not actually work. I intend to have one of the cylinders "cut away" to show the piston and con rod moving. Cees B.Great idea!
  3. Hi everybody, I am new to this forum and came upon Remcohe's posts on his scratch build Sopwith Camel.His model is obviously going to be superb. I am also building a Camel.Mine is based on the Model Expo kit.At least that was my intention! Having bought the kit I was very disappointed with the white metal castings and thought that I could improve on them by scratch building my own parts.As I enjoy metal work a start has been made on the engine. It so happens that Shuttlewoth Vintage Air Museum is not too far from me and they were completing a build of a full size replica and they also had a Clerget engine that I could measure and take photos of providing that they were for my own use. A start has now been made on the engine but progress is slow.It is being constructed out of silver-steel and aluminium and hopefully feature working valve gear.Like I said this will be a SLOW build!
  4. Thanks Cees, I will be starting a new thread as I don't want to hijack Remcohe's.
  5. Hi Remcohe, I'm new to this forum and have just found your posts on the Camel build.Like a lot of others I too bought the model airways kit only to be disappointed with the quality of the white metal castings.As I am normally a scratch builder anyway I've decided to scratch build the model instead. I live not to far from the Shuttleworth collection of vintage airplanes and they were kind enough to invite me to their workshop where they were finishing a build of a full size replica of a Camel.They also had Clerget engine that I could measure. As I am more comfortable with metal working than wood work I've started on this first.If I can work out hour to do it I will attach photos of my progress to this post.[lathes and milling machines I can work,computers HELP!] Mine will be a very slow build so posts will be very infrequent. Looking forward to following your build. Tried adding images but failed ! HELP!
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