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  1. Where is your shop located? We can ship overseas easily. Best Regards, Ken PCM, Inc.
  2. Greetings! Is it possible for me to e-mail these to a site moderator for posting on the site? I don't know how to do it. Please advise. Thanks and Best Regards, Ken PCM, Inc.
  3. Hi Iain, We do have some of the correction sets left, so send us an e-mail at: info@pacmodels.com with your address and ask for the Ta.152H-1 correction set and we will send it to you. Thanks, Ken PCM, Inc.
  4. Thanks for the additional details. We receive the sprues in a re-sealable bag from Sword. This includes a plastic bag with the resin parts in the sprue bag. We have had very, very few problems with damaged or broken parts over the years. If it does occur, we send out replacements at no charge for them or freight. We box the kits ourselves with a little assembly line, including me! A part of me enjoys putting the parts into the boxes! Sword has continued to improve our kits along with help from various experts on the aircraft, so if you wish to try one, get one of the later ones. The FW-190A0/1/2/3 is also a good kit which no other company makes in 1:32 scale. Best Regards, Ken PCM, Inc.
  5. Both of your models look great! This was a first class aircraft which could take on anything the Allies had. It is also so typically Italian gorgeous! Nice work! Best Regards, Ken PCM, Inc.
  6. There are a multitude of errors in some of the postings here. The one at the top for the decal profile sheet is my fault as I put up a draft rather than the finished sheet. Roy called me shortly after and informed me, so I changed it to the final version. You can see this on our site at: http://www.pacmodelscatalog.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=PCM&Product_Code=PCM+32016&Category_Code=pcm Regarding the sprues being "carelessly" tossed into a bag is simply untrue and it is also impossible to determine the attitude of the person packing the kit. I prefer to think that the sprues were "lovingly" placed into the bag. Sword and MPM are two different companies owned by two different people. MPM made our Macchi kits and Sword made everything after those starting with the Re.2005. FYI, our Spitfire kits (MK.IX and MK.XIV) were voted "Multi-media Kit of the Year" on LSP, so some people liked them. We also sold out of them except for a handful of the IXe, so more people must have liked them. Jerry Crandall was NOT involved in the making of our Ta.152H kit. He WAS involved in vetting our Ta.152C kit for Sword. While there is no doubt that the were some problems with the H kit, we did have a correction set made for which was supplied to those who asked for it at no charge. We did sell out of the H kits and still get requests for them. Sword took the criticisms to heart and our next kit was the Hurricane, another winner, along with all the other kits which followed. It seems to me that it is time to put this story back on the shelf. The 152C kit had no such problems and is recognized as an accurate example of the aircraft. We have a retail web-site so that modelers can get our kits if they don't have a local hobby shop. We never discount the retail price. Our hobby shop customers are fine with this and we know because we explain to every new shop that starts to buy from us. Also, retail customers buying from us pay the freight, whereas if they order it from their local shop, there is no freight charge. If they have a local shop whom we know, we ask them to buy it from them. If their local shop does not do business with us, we contact them to get them started. Regarding the distribution of our kits, of course we want it to be more extensive. We are working hard to make it so. So for those people who like our kits and support us, we at PCM say a big "Thank You"! We hope that more people will be pleased with our subject selection and buy our new kits. Sincerely, Ken Lawrence Pacific Coast Models, Inc.
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