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  1. It's surplus to my needs so it's free if you can use it. Let me know.
  2. There used to be a dealer called The Barrel Depot, who had T-34 barrels, but I can't find him listed now, The only one I can find is Axel's: https://www.axels-modellbau-shop.de/katalog/en/schumo-kits-34760010-aluminum-gun-barrel-for-trumpeter-t-34-76-1-16.html Price isn't bad, but I don't know if the shipping would cost more than it's worth to you. -Mike Edit: I just went through my T-34 stash to see if I had one. I do have an aluminum Armo barrel for the Trumpeter kit, but it is NOT drilled all the way through, (maybe only 1/2" deep at the muzzle). But if you can use it. it's yours for the taking. Picture and description is from 2004: https://www.perthmilitarymodelling.com/reviews/vehicles/armo/armo1601.htm
  3. Thank you very much Steve and Jeff. Now I can finally let it go.
  4. I also don't want to hijack or derail this thread too much, as I am enjoying it thoroughly and learning a lot. Here in Hawaii, the trucks you see are pretty limited. Mostly skeletal trailers with 20, 40, or 45 foot containers; flatbed low loader equipment haulers; and fuel tanker trailers. No sleepers, twin steers, snowplows, or other cool trucks like that. My question is about a tandem axle tractor I saw that was hauling a fuel tanker. Although the tractor had two rear axles, only the forward one was powered, and the rear one was freewheeling (like a trailer axle). I made a guess that having only one driven axle was either to save on fuel or maybe allowed the tractor to have a tighter turning radius than a normal tandem axle tractor. I asked the driver, (who was a young kid) if he knew why his truck had only one driven axle, but he didn't have any idea, (reminded me of Oddball in Kelly's Heroes, "I just drive 'em; I don't know what makes 'em work"). This was a couple of years ago, and it's bugged me ever since. Thank you. -Mike
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