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Rick Martens

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Everything posted by Rick Martens

  1. Time for something new. When Italeri came with the 1/32nd scale I just had to have it. I got the decalset from Dutch Decal to make the D8063, a plane I must have seen when I was based at Volkel back in 1982. The pictures I found on the net are from 312 Sqdn, but the decals say it is in 311 Sqdn, got to figure that one out yet. It is out of my comfort zone, usually I build WW2, but it looks like fun. Made a small start with the cockpit, progress will be slow as usual. Rick
  2. Hi Rob, As you guessed they are maskings home made. Always try too mask as much as possible, decals never do what I want them to do so by masking I avoid trouble. Rick
  3. After quite some time finished something. In between starting my own busseniss and regular life I finished the Trumpeteer SB2 kit. Inspiration came from the Life pictures I found on the net. Hope you like it, I am quite happy the way it turned oud. Feel free to commend Rick
  4. Well, I have finally finished this one. I know that the Trumpeteer P51Bis not the greatest model in the world, and the wings are from a D but I did not bother about that. It took quite a while to get the look I wanted and maybe the weathering is a little over the top but I wanted to give the impression that this was a battered plane. I took the liberty of masking the top invasion stripes. By the time this aircraft was destroyed in an taxi accident at Debden in the beginning of July they should be gone. The dog and shirt seemed like a nice touch to honour the last of the screwball aces. Hope you like it Rick.
  5. Well to add just another 109 to the list. Here is my attempt for a G14. The kit is from 21st century Toys and the plastic is weird, does not stay together with regular glue so the thing fell apart quite a few times. Did not use the pilot, although it is a beauty, maybe in another kit. Added some bits but for the rest OOB. There is dust inside the canopy but I did not have the nerv to remove it so with dust. Rick.
  6. Well I am still in the game, but there is not much interesting to say about sanding I am afraid. I did manage to finish tghe sidekick, here is a teaser. Rick
  7. I build the cockpit in the hull and closed it up. A lot, and I really mean, a lot of sanding and rescribing too be done. And offcourse I started the sanding without first masking off the cockpit, so I have to clean that up before putting the hood on. Apoligies for the dust inside. I have a kit on the side which I painted, it is always nice to finish something, or almost, in my holidays. It is the 21st century BF109G14. Just OOB. Does anybody has a german sheperd dog 1/32 or 35 hidden in his stash somewhere? I placed an add in the vendors stage. Rick.
  8. Finally, the cockpit is ready. Some pictures before I build the thing in. Hope you like it Rick
  9. Going on my usual snale pace, progress is not that fast. Put some layers of paint on the cockpit and had some work on the IP done On to the weathering of it all Rick
  10. Hi all, Not that I haven't been doing nothing but sometimes I got the impression that I had bitten off more than I could chew. But nevertheless, I think I am done with sanding, I want to give my B a worn look so I hope I have got it right Next was making the Rutman cockpit set fit into the kit. That took, and still takes, a lot of effort but I think I have got it just about right. Still not sure what to do with the dash, I added some switches but I am not sure about the instrument panel yet. I have a question. What do you use to glue PE against a canopy or any other clear part. Superglue will fog up the window but I do not know what else too try. White glue didn't do the job for me. Any good tips? Hope you like what I have done so far. Rick.
  11. A very small update, work, summer and this http://www.4daagse.nl/en/ are a disaster for modelling in my case anyway. I have been sanding the fuselage tank and some small items. What in heavens name is the front and how does it looks assembled in the plane? I cannot find any pictures of it in my books. Does anyone have some sort of drawning and pictures? Living close to ze border has a couple of nice things to it. For starters cheap booze and this which is a very nice magazine. That's all I am afraid. Rick.
  12. Wauw, whenever I see this one it makes me feel like picking up gardening, knitting or something like that. Brilliant!!
  13. Yup as far as I know. My wallet is very happy since I moved to ze German Border
  14. Hi Rick, The display shelves are from IKEA ( sorry about that ) The display case for the B17 I made myself. No big deal some perspex and a MDF ground plate. Rick.
  15. You are more than welcome!!
  16. To answer your question Jeroen, that's the one on the bench right now Now I know that there are some issues about this one, but when done it will look like a Mustang I guess. First of all I will get rid of most of the rivets placed on this thing. I still do not know why they place them on a P51, but so be it. I am using mr Surfacer 500 and I have filled most of it now for the first time. Done some sanding and it came out not too bad. Just started this, a lot of filling to do. When cleaning up the attic I found a J.Rutman cockpit set. It looks a lot better than what Trumpeter provides so I cut the Trumpeter stuff out and started with teh Rutman upgrade set. Still in the progress of making everything fit, but I will get there. I will use the Malcom hood but still haven't figured out which plane to make. But not even close to that part. Rick.
  17. So this is my little corner of the world, my cave if you wish Like to spent more time than I should sometimes. Rick.
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