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    Behind the Cheddar Curtain
  1. And justly so, Paul! Dave, excellent stuff! Yes, I'll take some pics once I actually start it, but first I have to carefully clean everything up, because I just removed all of the needed parts with my sprue-cutters and have some huge "nubs" to sand down, etc.
  2. Rick, thank you! Nice job on Hartmann's a/c! I'm aware of all the "goodies" available, but for this first one, I think I'm going to go OOB, including decals. I also have another G-6 as well as the G-10 in the stash and will probably get some of Roy's toys (can I trademark that?....haha) for them. I'm still removing parts from the sprues, so nothing to report yet, but I'll already echo everyone's comments that whoever decided to leave the sprue letters off the instructions should be working in a sweat shop on some bug infested tropical island. Thanks again! John
  3. Guys, any updates?! Fantastic job by everyone and incredibly helpful as I'm just starting to butcher the plastic on this kit! John
  4. The Hasegawa P-47D bubbletop is a fine kit. Builds very nicely and certainly looks the part! I finished mine about 6-8 months ago and have 3 more in the stash.....along with the Trumpeter razorback and N. Here are a few shots: I've also built the Dragon P-51D (early) and yes......there are PLENTY of "warts", but I'm happy with how it turned out. Pics: I'm currently hacking away at the old Hasegawa P-51D and yes....compared to even the Dragon kit (with all of its problems), it shows its age. I've done some additional work to it and have used the old Paragon resin pit. Should be heading towards airbrushing within the next week or so and I'll be sure to post pics when it's done. Hope that helped! John
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