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Steven Robson

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Everything posted by Steven Robson

  1. Yep, that's a lovely leather seat, nice share.
  2. This is the Renault-Mgebrov 1915 Russian Armoured Car in 1/35 scale from Yellow House Models.
  3. I'm calling this one finished. I'll post some photos in the completed armour section.
  4. Nice to see this one being built. I love these Takom kits, I'll be following this one Dave, nice share.
  5. Now that's really green Erik! Damn, where's my vomit-in-a-bucket GIF. The Renault-Mgebrov is now finished and ready for the photo shoot. If I'm lucky I'll get some time next week in the Orange Lane Studios and have some photos taken.
  6. Thanks George, dusty roads in Russia wheels are painted. More banging Making little door handles, sorry about the camera flash, I should really be patient and only take photos during the day. Now have door handles
  7. Thank you for all the nice comments guys . Tyres are painted SsashoO I'll be happy to show you the technique when I do the Rolls Royce Armoured Car 1914 Pattern. Francisco it's the light, I photograph outside under my pergola with a diffuse natural light (mornings are always best). Erik I wish I had a motorbike this colour green. Hey Jeroen, Ivan's resin kits are just amazing, he's got a great market sector with a quality product like this.
  8. Hello Mr Wolf Yes, I am an armour virgin! Yellow House Model kits are just superb. Here's some more photos for you Sasho. I need some machine guns, door handles and some dirt and shit on the chassis, oh and some greasy axels.
  9. Stick em up! First pass on the guns: Floquil Gun Metal: F110108. Guns will be painted olive green and then weathered.
  10. I prefer this green: Model Master Forest Green with a little Conte No: 2340-76
  11. I didn't like the green. So I stripped it and started again
  12. Thanks guys you sure know how to make a little girl pig feel real special. The pig is from a ZVEZDA kit No: 3607. The box includes a lovely German motorbike with side-car and a couple of blokes stealing a pig. Oink!
  13. Hello Large Scale Modeller Forum I'm a figure modelling virgin. Can I share my work in progress with LSM? I'm making a little German Motorcycle in 1/35 scale with stolen pig and spoked wheels.
  14. Yes, I agree; I'm an aircraft modeller Mr Crazypoet but these little armoured cars are great fun. Top quality resin from the Ukraine.
  15. Here's a basic paint job with Russian Armour Green in Model Master 2129 enamel, then some burnishing, a little hand painted floor polish, spray matt varnish and finally hand-worked Conte A Paris No's: 2340-08, 2340- 78 and 2340-77. My next job is to fix the Conte with a light spray of matt varnish and hand paint some floor polish again to protect the painted surface. The engine, chassis and fuel tank have to be painted. And one of the last jobs will be finessing the painted finishes with Winsor & Newton oils. So this is not the final finish on the painted armour, I work in layers and there's a few more steps to go.
  16. Some early Tommy armoured cars had spoked wheels but don't tell the modellers I've just added the Rolls Royce 1914 Pattern armoured car to my stash. I'm having a little rest from the wheels but I might tease everyone with a spoked wheel Eindecker build-log soon.
  17. My first sniff of paint for the past two years And I got high on the lacquer thinners
  18. And it sort of now looks like this.. Forgot to add that I finished off the turret holes with some Evergreen strips
  19. K&S brass on the mill and replaced the kit turret covers with some scratch build
  20. Some gentle banging And I made a steel thing (reinforcing bar) And glued it in here, I also added a couple of pins so I could fit the wheels
  21. Sorry I'm slow, I had some computer problems. So the turrets were modified with a couple of Dremel bits
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