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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Posts posted by [CAT]CplSlade

  1. I'm assuming you mean, "Enterprise". The new Star Trek: Discovery, or STD as it is more commonly known by all the angry fans, is the first series since then. It has already managed to piss lots of people of by claiming to respect canon--and then shit all over it. It introduces situations and characters at the wrong times and totally screws up the timeline it is supposedly following.

    Netflix stopped supporting it financially when it became apparent the true fans despised it. Toy and paraphernalia makers have told CBS that if the show does not swing closer to original Trek they WILL not make any more crap for it. The new stuff does not sell like the older stuff. This is the same problem with new Star Wars: people don't care about the new characters (Disney's new Star Wars theme park doesn't have any OT or prequel stuff in it besides the  Falcon, which makes zero sense). Remember when toy stores always had a big SW section? It's pretty small now. Toys'R'Us lost a lot of money on unsold Abrams-era toys, and when they were liquidating inventory under the company closure, there were dozens of videos online showing how those toys just sat on the shelves while all the other stuff in the stores sold away.

    Would you rather have Luke or Rey? Han or Poe? Vader or Kylo? R2 or the mechanical Teletubby?

    • Like 2
  2. 16 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Space 1999 was by far my favorite, at least technically speaking, same, more or less, with Star Trek until it started getting corny of late. Yeah, I’m a Picard-O-holic.

    My favorite 1999 episode is Dragon's Domain, with the people-eating monster in the graveyard of ships.

    I'd love to get a really nice model of an Eagle. The Hawk not so much but I would not turn one down if it was offered to me.

    Not sure about the new Picard show as I have been off Trek since Abrams shat on it.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, BlrwestSiR said:

    I'm going to be making a custom base and top and joining two of those together. Along with adding four extra shelves to it, that will increase my display space considerably.

    I have the same plan. I was even going to look into if it might be possible to connect four into a larger square but that may be pushing it.

    • Like 1
  4. Apparently they had a bunch of those tie-ins; two sets for the animated Robin Hood, Captain Hook's pirate ship (in day-glo red plastic. hooray!), Herbie the Love Bug of course...


    Apparently Perri comes with fur to make him a lifelike pet just like the one my uncle had...which bit the F out of me when I stuck my 6yo finger in the cage.



    I have a feeling that he is going to look more like someone was trying to build an diorama base for an armor piece on his back than a real squirrel.

    • Like 5
  5. I have a Trumpeter railroad piece that has a Flak 38 turret on it, and the gun shield is made of several pieces of PE which simply would not hold together with CA only; it really needs soldering.

    I bought myself an iron so I guess I'm going to try and learn how to do it. Or I could buy a standalone Flak 38 from Dragon or Tristar and substitute it. But I hate taking the coward's way out.

    • Like 1
  6. Took a break from the B-wing (need to get the batteries for the lights) so I doodled around with my M35 ADGZ and a Trumpeter Karl-Gerat (I had to cut off all of the wheel support arms after realizing I had set them all in transport mode and I wanted to show it in firing mode. Hooray!), and today I worked on my Eastern Front build:



    • Like 2
  7. Well, since we're doing that:


    Getting those two plastic pieces on either side to stay horizontal until they dried and be at the correct height for the PE basket was also a pain. I think they could have done the basket in styrene seeing as how they still cast antenna and other long, thin narrow bits that way.

    I know some people add a bit of white glue to hold them on, but sometimes that glue leaves a visible ridge under the paint that is off-putting to me. I have put Future on some parts to kind of hold smaller pieces in place but they cannot handle stress any better.

    The PE I don't mind? Schurtzen, because I can just hang them off the supports. None of mine are glued on.

    • Like 3
  8. Some I don't mind, but I'm not a fan of having a PE part as the only option, especially if it is a part you can't continue the build without using. I also hate the thin pieces you have to stand on edge with virtually no contact surface for the CA to bond to. If you use enough to hold it, then you have a small clump of dried CA on the points of contact.

    My last tortuous encounter was the basket on the back of the Dragon Marder III H.

    • Like 6
  9. Oh yeah, and also that pic of the dash you have comes from a car that was up for auction by Jesse James, infamous Nazi-cosplayer, who tried to sell it for $525,000 a few years ago. He claimed it was driven by Goering,but there is nothing to directly link him to it and anyway about 20 Type 82e's were delivered to his offices and these were delegated to other officers and pilots.

    It is no longer original, having been modified numerous times over the years. Here is a discussion about it on TheSamba.com, which is a site I am a member of:



    • Like 3

    The Revell Type 82e is the CMK kit reboxed.

    Camo went beyond what Mig has provided, as obviously the patterns atop the Dunkelgelb were left up to the operators in the field. Treat this like any other German vehicle in use on or near the front.

    I would have preferred the wooden floor slats to be a separate piece as Dragon and Tamiya do for their VWs.

    No, the KDF badge wasn't usually found on most of them, but many did get KDF logo hubcaps (which inevitably got knocked off and lost).

    The pleats on the bottom cushion shown in the photo are part of the manufacturing process and will be the same on all vehicles. The indentations around the buttons on the kit cushion would vary and change from the weight of the driver's body pressing against it. Also, those covers for the glove compartments on the ends of the dash didn't come with those covers; those are not OEM.

    This kit at least has much better engine detail; the CMK underbody is lacking in such and the suspension is rudimentary. The tail light housing is also not shaped properly, but RFM's seems to be much better from what I can tell from the pictures.

    There is a 4-wheel drive version (Type 877) that this could easily be converted to (not much visible difference as the transmission parts are hidden inside the housing tunnel running between the front seats. There are only a very few of those left in the world, maybe 5 or 6.

    I was going to buy this anyway the second I heard about it months ago, as I am a VW fan and was a member of several bus clubs when I still had my 1969 7-seater. I would like to see RFM apply their skill to the Kubelwagen and Schwimmwagen. Dragon's don't seem to show up much anymore (not available from dragonusaonline at least) and Tamiya's are relatively outdated.

    And BTW: the pics of Type 82e's you see with the roller under the front bonnet were built after the war when the British took over. It was a design idea suggested by one of the officers in charge of overseeing the factory. It's for getting up and over small obstacles.


    Thanks for posting this, as you provide additional photos of the sprues I hadn't yet seen.

    • Like 4
  11. I am reminded of Silent Running by those greenhouse pods.

    Personally I am not a fan of Martin's fiction, and slogged through Game of Thrones to keep my wife company. At any rate, apparently it has been canceled so who knows how it would have turned out in the long run. That ship would make a neat display piece if it was of a decent scale.


    IRT Gaz:

    I have my sights on acquiring one of Polar Lights new Klingon cruisers at some point to complement my TOS Enterprise.

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  12. That's strange, as there does not seem to be any indication of this on the model itself and both sides are almost mirrors of each other. The light blue-gray piece you can see on top of the engine unit is duplicated on the 'bottom' side. Unless there is a landing pad for days they want to park facing the other way? How much room is in the engine for landing pads anyway?



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  13. If Star Wars were a science fiction series, I might worry about it without reasonable explanation (without consulting Wookieepedia, my assumption is they are space-only and rest in specially-designed bays as seen in the star destroyer hangars and the Death Star).


    Fortunately, Star Wars is science fantasy and I do not have to worry about it.



    But I do anyway because designs that don't make any basic practical sense bug the shit out of me. Probably due to me being a heavy reader of hard SF like Hal Clement, Clarke, Heinlein, Niven, etc. Back when people wrote stories and not agendas. Doo, dooty-doo...

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  14. Been working on an M35 Mittlere Panzerwagen ADGZ for a campaign on another site, and while waiting for some things to dry decided to work on another campaign entry that I got on Father's Day. It is pretty much OOB, but I plan on doing a little weathering to knock off the plastic's sheen. This is the limited edition with the lighting kit for the engines. Still have to paint the pilot and canopy frame.


    Replaced the cockpit decals with paint as well:


    • Like 8
  15. I actually agree with him in a way. I only buy Tamiya if it is a kit noone else has made, like their FAMO. Otherwise, I find their detail a bit too soft for my taste. I don't care if they are shake'n'bake; I hated that crap when it was applied to pork chops and stuff decades ago and I'm not going for it now.

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