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Larry Trout

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About Larry Trout

  • Birthday 06/10/1957

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  • Location
    Central OH, USA
  • Interests
    Plastic models, Mustangs.

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  1. Thanks all for the nice comments! Appreciate it. Really a nice kit, enjoyed the build. Ernie, I used Eagle Editions Preddy's decals. Would be glad if you put on your Facebook page, thanks. Larry
  2. Just finished the Revell P-51 Mustang Early. Painted to represent Maj. Preddy's 'Cripes a Mighty 3rd'. Added Yahu instrument panel HGW seat belts & dingy Eagle Editions decals Barracuda oval tread tires & wheels Barracuda cockpit decals Added Tamiya sliding canopy Riveted fuselage, tail & wing control surfaces Added plumbing, wiring , uplocks & brake lines to MLG & wheel bays. Added details, plumbing & wiring to cockpit & radio rack Added drop tank plumbing & sway brace details Painted with Tamiya AS-12 decanted for wings & fabric control surfaces & Alclad II for fuselage & metal surfaces. Varied panels, but hard to see in photos. Nice kit, didn't have any fit issues. Kit canopy is still distorted though. All comments welcome & thanks for looking
  3. Phil, Here is my Special Hobby Tempest & my WNW Albatros D.v. 1st & 3rd places. The Tempest I have posted here in the completed builds. I entered 3 models in each category. Larry
  4. Here is a link to the winners. BOS was Eagle Deconstructed. http://svsm.org/gallery/chattanooga2019
  5. Here's what I brought home. Great show! Modest haul Won 1st in 1/32 US/British & 3rd in 1/32 Biplanes. Was great to meet some of the people from on line there. Larry
  6. The first 2 are mine. 'Stroop' took 1st place, nice build. My Albatros in the middle pic took 3rd place.
  7. I will be bring 3 planes for display, 2 1/32nd scale & 1 48th scale. Planning on entering 6 planes in the contest, 3 WNW kits, a F4U-1, Tempest & FW-190 D-9, all 1/32nd.
  8. Thanks all for the great comments! joeg, I have not read Sheddans book, will have to look into it. The next British fighter I build will probably be Tamiya's Mk IX. Working on a WNW Albatros D.v now.
  9. Just finished the other day; Special Hobby Tempest Mk V 'Hi Tech' kit. Finished as SA-M, a Mk V flown by James Sheddan of 486 Squadron. Beautiful model when finished. Takes a lot of work to get there though. Many fit issues which I guess is common for the brand. Sure looks good when finished though. The Hi Tech kit comes with the 1/2 engine, lots of resin to replace plastic kit parts, HGW seat belts & photo etch details. After seeing Misoslav build so many, I was real interested in trying my hand at one. Got the kit @ 1/2 price on sale at a on line retailer. Added Barracuda resin nose & prop, Eduard flaps. Painted using MRP paints. All markings except stencils, kill markings & Squadron flag are painted on. Thanks to Reimund for the kill markings & flags ! Weathered using washes, pastels & hair spray technique for the chipping. Thanks for looking & all comments welcome. Larry
  10. My first post here. I build 1/32 scale now, had to move up from 1/48th due to age & eyes. Primarily build German subjects, my first completed allied aircraft in many years. Here is my recently completed Tamiya F4U-1 Birdcage Corsair in the markings of the 2nd Daphne C flown by Capt. James Cupp, BuNo 03829, White 15. Excellent kit, everything just 'clicks' together & the detail is amazing. Aftermarket used; Barracuda cockpit placards, main wheels, early engine upgrade & 'Daphne C' decal. Eduard Cowling & fabric seat belts. HGW wet transfer placard decals. Maketar masks for the national insignia & white 15. Yahu instrument panel. True Details US parachute. Changes/additions made; eliminated the balance tabs on the ailerons, they were not installed on the Birdcage Corsairs. Added extra wiring, ducts, oxygen hose, added detail to the seat mount in the cockpit and added canopy lock handles. Added spark plugs, wiring & oil lines to the engine. Added cowl flaps cable to the Eduard cowling flaps. Added plumbing to the landing gear wells. Added machine gun barrels to the wings, odd that Tamiya doesn't include those. Added antenna, spring & insulators. Painted using MRP for the lower & Xtracolor for the upper color. Preshaded slightly, used panel line wash & pastels for weathering/post shading. I don't own a camera, so just have cell phone photos, some with flash & some without. Flash tends to wash out the colors. Haven't seen the sun here in days, so outside photos are not an option. Thanks for looking & all comments welcome. Larry
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