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Everything posted by Kaeone57

  1. The top illustration in 3/4 tone counter shading scheme.
  2. This pic is white 525, almost a complete walk around of this "Birdcage"!!!
  3. Sooo much to discuss in all the pics above, the ones you, Martin have posted and the ones I put up. Will be as descriptive as possible after I shower and eat... Damn, what Great pictures/stills!! Alfonso
  4. This picture!!!! There's a larger picture which shows a Corsair in FRESH painted 3/4 tone/Counter Shading Scheme all the way to the right of this, next to the Squadron hack F4F!! What a picture! They, the USN/USMC were filming and taking pictures this day. The footage you can find on the internet under Critical Past. It show's white 465, Birdcage at left, taking off as well others in this lineup ...etc White 576, Marines Dream is also in this lineup about mid way to right. Lot's of color details in this pic and all others taken that day!
  5. Uuu-huuum, clears throat, LoL I'll say 3/4 toner, Counter Shading Scheme, F4U-1 side number White 83 for $157, Please...ding, ding, ding, game show sound!!! Alfonso Damn, somehow I removed the pic, damn!!!
  6. Didn't check "views", didn't or never done that! LoL What I mean is, there's no dialogue happening, I guess I took that as no interest!? My apologies. Yes, there are things I am wish/willing to share, it's I guess based on questions. I'm doing my best to put it together, have been little by little, to put together a book. Hate to say it but not gonna give it all away either! LoL Hope those interested in this topic understand what I mean? Color questions and things related to the before mentioned, ask away and what I know, I'll share! If I don't, I don't. Alfonso
  7. There seems to be no "real interest" in F4U-1 "Birdcage" Corsair colors. At least in 3/4 tone, Counter Shading Schemes and marking changes brought on by what was happening in the Pacific. I guess, I'll just add to this as needed, or asked!? -Why/How the changes in Color Scheme came to be? -Why the change in US national markings from 6 position to 4 position, and the addition of white bars... ETC! Manuscript in the works still. Not saying/typing in a negative manner either as the written word can be misconstrued since no emotion is evident or present... LoL Alfonso PS- The title of this page should be changed, in my honest and humblist point, as my original "intent is/was to share" colors of F4U-1 "Birdcage" Corsairs in their in the PTO transitions to 3/4 tone/Counter Shading Schemes and US National markings count change from 6 to 4 and staggered placement, design and reasons of marking, etc..etc With pictures of course. Not just verbage or regurgitation of things said/seen! Hope you understand, saying it in a harsh way, or anything implying any negative way's. Typing sucks for me, the written/document work I'm trying to put together on the above mentioned points will of course require an editor to get my point across!!! I truly suck at the written word to convey thoughts! LoL
  8. Good info on FAA Corsairs, though the only thing I wish to add is that VF-17 paved the way for Corsair usage in the USN and were on their way to the Pacific aboard CV-17, USS Bunker Hill, totally Carrier Qualified, but became a land based squadron due to spare parts logistics in the fleet to maintain Corsairs at that time. Since they didn't want to give up their tried and proved Corsairs they were switched to a land based squadron. VF-17, working very Closely with Voght tamed the Corsair and is what brought about the changes to begin the raised Cockpit, by almost 7", the changes in canopy to the bubble Canopy and the wooden anti stall wedge on the Starboard wing leading edge, F4U-1"A". Things have been written about, over and over again, about the Corsair not being a good Aircraft Carrier handling aircraft, but it's not true! Yes, she needed a different type of approach, which VF-17 mastered, but it was the logistics and parts support which had to catch up to make her a USN Aircraft Carrier aircraft in the USN. The Marines had the spares so VF-17 went on to become a land based squadron, flying their LOVED Corsairs! Alfonso
  9. I'll get into description of "White 93" tomorrow as it's 12:35 here in Miami and I gotta be up at 4:30 to take my daughter to work by 5:15 and then I start at 7! Corsair Dreams still!!! LoL Alfonso
  10. Pretty Evident that they are ALL 3/4 tone/ Counter Shade Scheme Corsairs!!! LoL but not really laughing! Alfonso
  11. My apologies, I "stoled" it from the Web...I have it, but it's in storage, My apologies!!! Alfonso
  12. This is the Goodyear lineup I was talking/typing about earlier...
  13. The inner color of the main landing gear doors is what I'm referring to, that is NOT WHITE!!!
  14. Of note is how Goodyear was EXTREMELY PROFICIENT in executing the Counter Shading Scheme by Blending and sanding the Colors together to EFFECTIVELY rendering it to Specification!
  15. Not familiar with that Airframe as I'm just a USN nut when it comes to colors. Though I know of one F4U-1 that was trialed and trained by the Brits in 3 tone, stateside with "British" markings but in 3 tone. It was a F4U-1 A
  16. Damn!!!! How I Love Corsair Colors!!! ♥️
  17. Also of note, in that pic you just posted, the last one above, the Goodyear FG-1/F4U-1 Birdcage is the color on the main landing gear doors...surely not over sprayed in white!!!! Alfonso
  18. In theater, The South Pacific, keep in mind that due to "Coral Blasting" the forward/rear ares of the prop, the cowling and wing fronts and fuselage take the brunt of the wear... Hopefully I'm being clear on this! Hard to type the talk, so to speak, but...yeah! LOL Alfonso
  19. In that pic you can see, CLEARLY, the clean transition on the outer wing panels demarcation on the leading edge from N.S. Sea Blue to Intermediate Blue along the leading edge outer panels! PLUS, 4 position markings are CLEARLY evident! Even though Goodyear kept her after U.S.N. acceptance, she shows how Goodyear was doing the Scheme, Vs how Vought and Brewster were doing it! Alfonso
  20. Yessss!!! Martin!!! That's the Goodyear scheme, and is the same "bird" I wanted to share!!! LoL
  21. I kind of disagree with Dana's take on the scheme, hence my description above. I have a photo of early Goodyear Corsairs in a book in a lineup at Akron with varied 3/4 tone application and mixed markings, from 6 position to 4 position transition and a few with no markings just Counter Shading Schemes applied! Alfonso
  22. Harvey/Harv can vouge for me as I've known him since LSP day's and he's actually the one that suggested I come here! My handle is the same on there Sooo, yeah! LoL
  23. Re: F4U-1 "Birdcage", named "Arkansas Traveler". In my honest take on her scheme, she is a Goodyear FG-1, as her paint demarcation looks like what Goodyear was doing in late February/ early March on their F4U-1's. I don't have a way to upload pics, but if you send me an email, I will share an early Goodyear scheme that matches this.
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