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Everything posted by Kaeone57

  1. Another Great photo with lots of controversy. She's a 3/4 toner as well!! Look at the pic well and it's Sooo evident!
  2. The Bottom Pic!!! F4U-1 assigned side number White 18 named"Bubble's". Of Super interest and part of the "can of worms" on Birdcages and their colors, is the Corsair behind her!! 3/4 tone/ Counter Shade Scheme with 4 position U.S. Cocades/Star in Circle roundels!!
  3. Also, there are a bunch of things Corsair to cover! I wish to share color scheme related issues when it comes to 3/4 tone, Counter Shading scheme changes and applications and update to U.S. National markings and why!
  4. Well that is probably a later XF4U-3, as the original was a "Birdcage" in 3/4 tone scheme! LoL
  5. Martin, If possible can you attach the period photos, including "Bubbles" as there is a Bird age behind her that will begin the topic well, from Johns build here as we can start with those!
  6. F4U-1"A", is a whole 'nother world. F4U-1 "Birdcage" 1st!!
  7. Soooo, here we are! LoL 1st-ALL my pictures and data are in storage as My daughter and I, lost our apartment in October due to the high increases in rent in South Florida. Any images I will share are going to what I have saved and what I can "copy" from the web. First order of business on Corsairs would be color scheme and markings changed before and after January/February 1943. Or as some, may or not know the introduction to 3/4 tone, Counter Shading Schemes. In simplicity I will cover it briefly as a manuscript is in the works. Alfonso
  8. BTW, the second pic you posted is when Virgil Ray was attached to VMF-122, hence the bulldog logo.
  9. My apologies to post on your post again John, just replying to Martin, I'm Kool with that. Send me a link to where you want to do this at and I'll share what I can. Alfonso
  10. I only mentioned it once and was asked for proof so tried to clarify it with the photos that were posted. Didn't mean any harm by it or even played the "Know it All". Only tried to share what I know and clarify the color scheme. My Deepest and Sincerest Apologies to all! Alfonso
  11. My apologies John, wasn't my intention at all!!! Only wanted to share her color scheme is all. I Love your work and never was it meant to upset you! My Deepest and Humblest Apologies! Alfonso
  12. The pictures you posted show it. The one with Virgil Ray in the cockpit, you can see the N.S. Sea Blue demarcation line running horizontally through the top of the 93. Also the bottom pic of him stepping out where the tail is in the shadows you can see the N.S. Intermediate Blue vertical stabilizer(fin and rudder) as well as the N.S. Sea Blue demarcation. Though the pics are taken in heavy sunlight and the Corsair is super dusty, the demarcations are visible. There are other photos of 93 but I have them in storage as I have been disposed since losing my apartment in October due to the insane price increases in South Florida. She is a 3 toner as are alot of Birdcages in theater at this time. It is your build and build it as you wish. Just wanted to clarify her colors is all. Not trying to intrude at all. Alfonso
  13. Also for clarity, her NS Sea Blue goes straight across the fuselage and does not come down to meet the wing root. Carry on Sir! Alfonso
  14. I hope you don't mind me saying so but techmods color scheme is wrong. As it's clearly evident in pics of White 93, she is a 3 tone bird. Do as you wish of course on your build but she is/was a 3 tone schemed Corsair.
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