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Everything posted by Hopwood62

  1. Beautiful work on the nacelles Tom! She is really starting to look the part. Nice detail on all the louvres underneath too. Keep up all the great progress as I am following this with much interest.
  2. Tom, You do amazing work good sir! I have been following this build with much interest and am simply amazed at what you are able to achieve with a few sheets of plasticard and some filler. Your Mk 2 is really looking the part now and you have certainly captured the look of the "old grey lady". My father flew them out of Ballykelly in the 1960's so the Shackleton has always been an important aircraft for me. I vividly remember my teacher having to stop talking as a 3 ship loudly trundled over my school one day. It was a noisy beast with 4 Griffons (x3) growling away! I am in the process of building my own Radio Controlled version at the moment, 1/10th scale with a 147" wingspan and would really like to get in touch with Kev67 (from Page 4), who did all of your 3D printed parts. It would be great if I could get the cowling assembly 3D printed in my size, or at least have access to his CAD models? As you said, it certainly would be a time saver. Many thanks, Kevin
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