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  1. Not that much, I believe. Degner worked with Suzuki after his defection, and the knowledge he brought with him from MZ was on two stroke engines. The Honda RC166 had a six cylinder four stroke engine.
  2. I suppose they still are playing their Fallout I, II and tactics games, and keep on talking about how much better the feel was in the older games? My brother is like that, but I try to ignore him as much as possible.... :P
  3. If i remember Fallout 3 correctly, the infrastructure is hardly intact. Large areas are completely devastated, while others are standing,, but quite damaged. But remember that Fallout is an alternate reality, where radiation isn't a great problem, and where nuclear devices are used as infantry support. It seems that they have miniaturised the bombs, so who know what kind of yield we really are looking at. Also, the height on which the bomb is detonated matter a lot. Both when it comes to radiation and physical destruction. Best game of the last century. I might have enjoyed the sequel Fallout: New Vegas a bit more, but mostly because I needed a Fallout fix so badly.
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